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Hello, my lovely readers. I'm so sorry for not updating a new chapter as I promised. I had exams, and I was also sick, so I couldn't update. Please forgive your author! But I'm back with a new chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it. Happy reading! 📖 ✨


As the days passed and Jungkook's graduation drew near, a palpable improvement blossomed in the relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook. Yet, remnants of Jungkook's occasional silent treatment lingered, a vestige of past conflicts. However, amidst this growth, Jungkook's maturity shone brightly as he immersed himself in his writing. With each dawn, Jungkook greeted the day with a renewed sense of purpose, dedicating himself to crafting his debut book. His writing became a sanctuary, a space where he poured his heart and soul, infusing his words with raw emotion and profound insight.

One night, as Jungkook was deeply engrossed in his writing at his desk, Taehyung arrived home after a long day at work.

After freshening up, Taehyung didn't find Jungkook in their bedroom. However, he expected to find Jungkook in the book room, likely immersed in his writing at his desk. With this assumption in mind, he made his way to the room where Jungkook usually spent his time writing.

As he entered the room, the door was slightly ajar, and Taehyung noticed the lights were on. He saw Jungkook engrossed in his writing, his concentration so intense that he didn't even notice Taehyung's presence behind him. Concerned for Jungkook's well-being, Taehyung approached him quietly, not wanting to startle him.

As Taehyung stood behind him, he couldn't help but peek over Jungkook's shoulder to read what he was writing. Quietly, he scanned the words on the page, his curiosity piqued by Jungkook's work.

As Taehyung continued to read, he couldn't help but smirk as he realized that Jungkook was writing a romance scene. In the scene, the main lead pinned the girl against the wall, exuding dominance as he whispered in her ear.

Taehyung found himself enjoying the scene, but his amusement was cut short when Jungkook suddenly heard a sound of chuckling and turned around, catching Taehyung reading over his shoulder. Flustered, Jungkook quickly shut off the computer, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

Taehyung smirked and leaned in closer to Jungkook, who was still seated in the chair. Taehyung then brought the chair in front of him, trapping Jungkook between his arms with one hand on the top of the chair and the other around Jungkook's waist.

"What was the point of turning off the computer, love?" Taehyung inquired teasingly.

Jungkook stammered, "I-I don't k-know, w-when you c-came?"

Taehyung chuckled softly. "A long time ago, baby. Why are you so flustered? Am I scaring you, or is my little princesse just shy hmm?"

Jungkook replied nervously, "N-no, no-nothing like that..."

Taehyung laughed softly and then gently caressed Jungkook's cheeks. "So, you like those things, hmm?" he teased.

Jungkook stammered, "Huh- which-h things?"

Taehyung chuckled, teasing, "Awww, is my little bunny trying to be smart in front of his husband? Or are you trying to hide hmm?"

Jungkook blushed and replied, "W-what are you saying, h-hyung?"

Taehyung tightened his hold on Jungkook's waist and playfully pinched him before responding with a deep voice, "You think I didn't know, princess? What you read, what you're interested in, or even what you might write? Hmm?" Saying that, he leaned in close to Jungkook's neck, taking a sniff, which made Jungkook squirm.

Then he said, "You've become quite feisty lately, haven't you? Responding back to me."

Jungkook, confused, asked, "What do you mean?"

Taehyung remained close to his neck and said, "Should I remind you of the day you told me to mind my own business, hmm?"


Jungkook was rushing out with Jimin, his best friend, one late night. As Jungkook hurriedly exited the house, he didn't notice Taehyung returning from work and entering the house. Taehyung, seeing Jungkook waiting outside wearing revealing attire, approached him, clearly displeased.

"Where do you think you're going dressed like that?" Taehyung demanded.

Already in a bad mood, Jungkook retorted, "None of your business. I don't ask you where you're going every time you leave."

Taehyung's anger flared. "Believe me, doll, you are my business."

Jungkook, regretting his words, covered his mouth in shock. But Taehyung, undeterred, continued, "Hmm, I see you really need a punishment to understand how much you belong to me."

Suddenly, Jungkook noticed Jimin's car nearby and feigned surprise, exclaiming, "Oh, mom!" Taehyung turned to look, momentarily distracted, giving Jungkook the opportunity to escape. He quickly ran to Jimin's car and drove off, leaving Taehyung behind.

Taehyung was aware that Jungkook would likely try to escape, but he didn't attempt to stop him. He believed in giving Jungkook the freedom he needed.

However, what bothered him was Jungkook's choice of attire, which he didn't approve of.

As he entered the house, he muttered to himself, "The moment I'll catch you, little bunny, I swear I'll have my meal like I've never eaten before. You're making me hungry, huh" With that, he went to freshen up, his mind still swirling with frustration.


Jungkook, feeling guilty by the memory, tried to explain, "I-I was just in a bad mood at the time hyung."

Taehyung responded, with his tone teasing, "I know, Taehyung's life, but you're still feisty. And you seem to be getting naughtier by the day. Should I punish you, hmm?" He whispered into Jungkook's ear, his breath sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook's body reacting and remarked, "Oh, my princess, if you shiver just by hearing this from me, how would you-"

Jungkook quickly interrupted to divert the situation, saying, "Hmm, hyung, it's getting late. We should have dinner."

Taehyung, sensing Jungkook's discomfort, released his hold on Jungkook's waist and chuckled, "Sure, baby. Let's go."

As Jungkook got up and headed to the dinner table, Taehyung couldn't shake off his thoughts. Murmuring to himself, he said, "Escaping from me, huh? Let's see how much you can run from me until I catch you." There was a determined glint in his eyes as he followed Jungkook to the dining area, his mind already formulating plans.


Alright, alright, I've fed you all enough for today. What do you think Taehyung means by catching his little husband? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's meet soon with another chapter. See you, my lovely readers! 🌷🫶🏻

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