Chapter 7

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"Mr. Cunnan won't be at the office", Tina catches me as I'm on the way to my office.

"Oh no", I say, trying to seem as affected as possible. But my brain is currently throwing a party right now.

"He had some urgent business to attend to. He'll try to come in the afternoon though", she continues.

Someone cuts the tape to my little party and a crying sound enters as background effect.

"I'll make sure to enjoy my morning then", I make a joke.

Tine chuckles, yet she quickly crashes my mood by adding: "He told me to tell you he sent an email with your tasks for today."

All-prepared Lewis.

"Of course, he did", I mutter. "Thanks for telling me, Tina", I continue, actually meaning it. The fact she took the time to talk to me means something.

I walk over to the elevator and press on the last button. As I arrive, I open the door with my brand-new key card and walk through Lewis 'room over to mine. I freeze as I step inside and even doubt I entered the right room for some time.

On the bookshelf right now is a cactus. Yes, you heard me right. A cactus. A small cactus in a mini pot that has the words "Hug Me" on it. I walk over to it, trying to discover if the one who left it there also left a note or something. There is no note there.

As I turn around, I discover something else. My desk has been completely redecorated. No sign of the stationery Ben got me a few days ago; turns out Ben isn't just the tech guy but also the one who runs everybody's errands. All stationery articles have been replaced with pink ones. Pink pencils, pink pens. Even some pink notebooks. Everything is topped by a brand-new in-a-pink-case iPad, set in the middle of everything. The computer has been removed, now the desk seeming bigger than ever.

Doing a little happy dance for myself, I open the iPad and take a look at the apps. I see that I have some new email notifications, so that's the app I click on first. Greeting me is a new email from Lewis. Afraid, I press onto it, not knowing what will await me.

In everything in the world, I have not thought of this.

"No more beeping computers. Hope you'll find the motivation to avoid typos now, Miss Grant. Sincerely, Lewis Cunnan"

The thing he said about my typos vanishes in the very deep corners of my brain, the first sentence being the one that gets me. No more beeping computers. So, he's the one who redecorated my office. Maybe the rant I gave him really did pay off.

Since no one else is here to hear or see me, I high five myself and start squealing through the office, jumping around like a five-year old.

When I'm done manifesting my happiness, I start work on my brand-new iPad.


"Only a misplaced comma and no more typos", Lewis says, skipping the greeting as he enters in the office at around two o'clock. "I must say, I am rather impressed, Miss Grant."

I smirk like a kid, typing on my new toy. "Told you it wasn't my fault. The computers are to blame."

His mouth twitches minimally as he goes take a sit at his desk. I am staring at him through the glass-walls, not knowing what to do. I should say thank you. Right? Good girls would say thank you. Yet again, I might not be such a good girl; I hit someone with a frying pan in the head once, for self-defense reasons only, but still. I aspire to be a good girl.

I am saying thank you.

I stand up and walk over to Lewis' room like a student punished by the teacher. Yeah, no good girl award for me.

Lewis' eyes are on me the moment I enter his room.

"Everything alright, Miss Grant?", he asks me as he notices my mood.

I don't respond until I am standing right in front of his desk, staring at the ground. "I just wanted to thank you for my new iPad, the pink stuff and the small cactus. It might not seem much, but it means the world to me. I know I called you an asshole before and would still gladly do it..."

"Wow, no need to go all compliments on me", he teases.

I take a deep breath and continue. "However, it was a very sweet gesture that was highly appreciated."

Lewis only looks at me amused and nods understanding. I look up at him once, notice there is nothing left to say, and turn to walk away.

As I sit back down on my chair, I am happy we arrived at some sort of truce. However momentary it might be.

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