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I am holding Winnie's hand as I lead her through the paddock. We've been having a great time in Austin so far. After Quali yesterday, Lewis, Winnie, Levi, Chris, Fabio and I went to a ranch, where we learned how to be cowboys and all. Winnie loved riding a horse, and I think the experience was close to when she went to drive a ski-jet with Lewis in Abu Dhabi. Her and I have been travelling with the guys so far for the season, visiting the cities while they're at practice and coming to attend the races.

I've never been happier.

I spot Lia walking with Theo on the way, and the two come greet us. Lia gives me a hug while Theo high-fives Winnie, then they switch, Theo giving my hand a kiss and Lia kissing my girl's cheek. "Looking great", Lia tells us, winking at me. I smile at her thankfully. Winnie is wearing a pastel blue jumpsuit with a pair of white sneakers and some white sunglasses on her head, she insisted she wants to look like a princess. I'm in a black skirt with Lewis' blue number one T-Shirt, black sunglasses and black heels. Ever since I started attending more races, I feel like going to a fashion show every weekend. Lia herself isn't dressed less stylish, a beautiful white floral dress with sandals and sunglasses.

"You're stunning too", I say, smiling even brighter.

She thanks me and after making sure Winnie, Lewis and I will attend the birthday dinner she throws for Theo tonight, the two keep walking towards their garage.

"Are we going to the dinner?", Winnie asks me as we keep walking.

I nod, and seeing how her feet started hurting a bit, I lift her up to my chest, making her giggle. "We are", I respond, giving a kiss on the top of her head. "Lia and Theo are our friends. And besides, Uncle Levi, Uncle Chris and Uncle Fabio will be there", I continue. "And Levi has promised to teach you to play Uno tonight."

Winnie seems to think a bit about it, then she nods. Levi was surprised as he took out a deck of Uno while we were staying on APOLLO's yacht in Monaco, and Winnie didn't know how to play. He's been giving her lessons since. Girl might end up becoming World Champion in Uno.

A person with a microphone comes to me, offering to take a picture of me for Women of the Paddock. I agree and after taking a picture and answering some questions, I continue going to our garage.

I meet Duncan on our way, talking with Toni, and I obviously stop to say hi. Duncan greets me by kissing my hand and then he kisses Winnie's hand too. Toni nods at me and offers Winnie a lollipop from his pocket. She smiles and thanks him.

"You seriously have to stop bribing my daughter", I tell Toni.

"What can I say?", he jokes. Then, looking at Winnie: "If you ever decide to become a driver, young lady, ASTORIA will be more than happy to have you."

"I like Daddy's team more", she counters.

I kiss her forehead. That's my girl.

I say goodbye to the men and finally arrive at our garage. I am greeted by a bunch of fans having gathered in front of the garage on the pit lane, since Lewis, Levi, Chris and Fabio are currently giving an interview there.

As Winnie spots Lewis, she claps her hands and shouts: "Daddy".

That immediately has Lewis' attention, who turns his head in the direction to where I am standing with Winnie, leaning against a pole. Lewis smiles at us and I mouth a sorry for interrupting him. He shakes his head as if it's fine, and looks at Winnie, making her a sign to come to him. I let her on the ground and she rushes to her father, wrapping her arms around one of his legs and Lewis placing his hand on her head.

"Someone has a number one fan", the interviewer jokes, smiling at our daughter. I can't help but let out a chuckle, which Lewis sees and smiles brighter at me. The journalist keeps asking a few more questions, which the four drivers answer. As they finish, I come closer to them, quickly kissing Lewis as greeting. I know that kiss was filmed, since a bunch of fans are still gathered in front of us. I think they might be more interested in the conversation now than the interview itself.

"Hey", I whisper to my boyfriend. I then turn and greet my other friends as well.

"How's my fav blondie doing?", Levi asks me, spinning me around. I swear, from all seven of the races of this season so far, this has started to become our ritual.

"I'm perfect", I answer, meaning it. I really am. I have no idea when my life became a dream. I am daily thankful for it.

Lewis is smiling at me as he kisses me.

"I still can't believe you beat me yesterday", Fabio says, who meanwhile bent down to be on the same eye-level with Winnie. The two had a tap-dancing contest yesterday. "Do you want to become a dancer one day, bella?"

I let out a sigh. "Don't get me started. Toni offered her a spot at ASTORIA earlier."

While Chris and Fabio start smirking, Lewis and Levi seem rather concerned. 

"No unicorn way."

Lewis and Levi made a deal at the beginning of the year, since Winnie and I would be coming with them this season, whenever he feels like swearing, he has to say "unicorn".

"I don't want to be a racer", Winnie says convinced. We all turn to look at her. She continues. "I want to become a princess."

"Of course, she does", Chris says smiling.

"But you already are a princess", I tell her, pretending to bow in front of her. "My beautiful princess."

Lewis looks smiling at me and Winnie, looking as if he would melt any second now.

"Guys", we can hear Duncan's voice. "Time to race."

The four share a look, showing just how much Lewis made the right decision becoming a full-time F1 driver. There is nothing but pure happiness in that look.

He gives Winnie a kiss on the top of her head, and she reaches out her hands for me. I take her in my arms and Lewis comes closer, kissing my forehead once, then whispering an "I love you", then kissing my lips once.

"I'll be right back", he tells us.

"We'll be waiting for you at the finish line", I respond.

He smiles and goes get inside the car.

"Daddy is going to win", Winnie says, looking at him. I smile at her and kiss her cheek once, walking over to the garage, where Duncan gives me my headset, and Winnie her pink tinier version of it.

He then starts the team radio to let us wish Lewis good luck. I asked him to let us do it at the last race.

"On your marks", I begin. I can hear Lewis chuckle at the other end of the line.

"Get set", Winnie continues.

"Go", I end.

We both watch Lewis speed the car on the track.

How life works. The grumpy boss who seems to be the villain of your story suddenly becomes your Prince Charming and your life turns into a fairytale.

Cue the smile.

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