Chapter Three: Chance Meeting

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We decided to split up to get everything quicker so Lily, Severus and my parents decided to go and get everything that we would need for potions and herbiology myself and petunia went to the bookstore and let me tell you both of our inner raven. Crawl came out, and we went nuts filling up our weightless baskets full of books, books that we need for school books for every year.  And everything that we didn't need. Just so we knew that we weren't just setting on one lot of information.

Once they gave us our bags, we left the bookstore and decided to go and have a look around at some of The Other shops in diagonally. But you knew you got distracted by a store that specifically did make up for witches, wizards, and squibs. So she wanted to see what else they had.
I had a quick look round and bought 1 or 2 items. But I wasn't overly interested. I didn't do makeup all that much in my last life. And in this one. So I decided to check out the room store next door. I always thought it funny about riding a broom and why they couldn't learn to just fly themselves. But after being here, I could see it pretty hard for a lot of them. As they didn't really practice with anything. But I went into the store and started to have a look.  I went up to the counter and asked the person to explain to me what type of rooms they were and what the speed and the safety was for them and what enchantment they came with and so for the next hour, the poor salesman walks through every single room with me until I decided on a broom. I had a look to see how much I had. And I had more than enough to get the latest broom.  I thought, why not. So I bought the latest broom thst I could put in my trunk.
Just as I was about to leave, someone decided to talk to me.

"First years can not bring brooms."

I turned around to look at the boy. He seemed stunned when he saw me, and I had a mischievous smirk on my face.

"Okay.....that doesn't stop me from buying a broom and having it to practice with."

He just kept looking at me like he was shocked to see me.

"Okay then.....well bye."

I walked out, leaving the strange boy with glasses and Hazel's eyes. I found my sister, and then we left to meet our family. We decided to go east in London as we felt we might catch something eating at the leaky couldron.
Once thst was done we walked to Olivanders, I had asked Mcgonagll if there was any other as these were premade ones andeould suit well enough but not completely, she did not answer and just kept walking, I looked at my sisters and Severus and I could them joining me together own special wands at a later date.
Once we stepped into the shop, dust fell from a few shelves, I did not want to waist to much time and closed my eyes to feel for my wand, I looked for a connection and found one but it looked to be at the very back then I felt a pinch and opened my eyes.

Lily and Severus had their wands when I walked forward he looked at me with an amazing look before dashing out back, he brought two wands  and handed both to me, I picked them up and the room glowed with the colour of the rain bow then darker tones before ending.

Everyone was looking in amazement, and I just laughed before paying Mr Oliveander for my wands and holster.
I didn't want to much attention that I was a duel wand wielder but once we got home and relaxed I started to read ,ynew books, I was determined tohave somebasic concept of magic by the time I arrived at this school.

*Qudditch Shop-Earlier*

I was looking around the store for the latest broom, and my parents offered to buy it for me next year if I made the team.
I was looking at the latest broom when I heard the door go and a soft voice asked about brooms and the poor sales clerk walked around with this muggle born girl explaining the brooms and the enchantments.
To be honest I had not idea that some of them did that then when I thought she was just wasting the poor clerks time she bought one of the best brooms and some of equipment and I must admit I was jealous.
I had only seen her hair with dark colour, but it had this red sheen to it, but I had to say something as I did not want her to look stupid.

"First years can not bring brooms."

She turned around to look at me with an amused expression but with an mischievous smirk on her face, she had these emerald eyes that just drew you in, high cheek bones and a love heart face with pouting lips. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Okay.....that doesn't stop me from buying a broom and having it to practice with."

I just kept looking at her as I was shocked to see her. She was like an angel tahti had heard stories about, just looking at her. I knew she was the one for me.

"Okay then.....well bye."

She looked at me like I was strange and i had to admit I was but I was eleven thrn a hand was on my shoulder and saw my mother,she had a small smile on her face.

"Everything alright, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Mama, I just met my future wife."

"Oh...and what's her name?"

My eyes widened at that, and I started to panic because I didn't know, I let my angel go and didn't even ask her name,dam it........... i am such a loser.

"Don't worry, honey, you will see her at Hogwarts."

That calmed me down because I would see her again and would not stop till she was mine.
I followed my mother out of the shop with a smile, knowing that my new adventure was just beginning.

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