Chapter Twelve: Summer with Runes

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The summer had been going well, and the ritual I had been preparing to transfer us to our new world had been coming along well with my friends (inner circle) helps along.

I had also discovered so rune that might help Remus with his transformation and retain who he was, it was old magic that laid in Elder Futhark but the energy from it would come out in battle like a buzker.

Severus officially asked Lily out much to our fathers ir,  which made the rest of us laugh.
You could tell how nervous he was but relaxed when she said yes, I had to admit that they made a great couple.
Bellatrix visited often and informed us that her father and mother tried to force her to join Voldemort but were promptly kicked out by Lord Black and they were taken in, Andy was welcomed in with her mundane-born husband and she was pregnant with her child.
Bellatrix was already engaged to Lestrang,  but he had not committed to Voldemort much to Lord Lestrange ire.

I was informed by Lucius that Voldemort was staying at his home, i asked him what he wanted to do and he did not want to join him, so to make things easier I created a tasteful small mark and got everyone's opinions on before I offered it, it could be anywhere on their body and it would offer protection like an unbreakable vow and if anyone tried to mark you their mark would vanish and use the magic from it to fuel my mark.
It could be anywhere in the body and would transport them to me in case of danger.

I made sure that they were aware that this was not control, it was for protectio n only and to keep the secret safe and if they did not feel comfortable then an unbreakable vow would also be good.
Eveyone just smiled at me and accepted the mark with no worries.
Now I felt more like a dark lady this year because now I had official follower,  but I was determined to save as many as I could and leave the ones that could not or would not grow behind.

With my parents blessing I spent most of my summer traveling with different friends to visit different historical sites to check out the runes and what they were used for, I let my inner Ravenclaw run rampant along with Barty and Pandora joining me most of the time.
James had started to become a little bolder in his declarations of lov,  and to be hones,  it made me giggle most of the time.
Rabastan was a bit my subtle then that, he would leave me little gifts wih a note  saying what he liked most about me and it was heart warming.
What did confuse me was another gift, it had no name on it and I checked it for cursed or poisons, etc but nothing when I took it out of the box, it was a jewellery box, dark black with....a Slytherin logo in the front which suprised me, I put in down on he floor before stepping back in my room at the Manor before flicking my wand to open it, I saw nothing happening and stepped forward and saw the most gorgeous necklace with earrings i had ever seen.
The diamonds and emeralds glistened in the light as if twinkling like stars, I bent down and picked up the box before putting back on the bed then saw a card slip out and picked it up, when I looked my eyes widen in shock.

'Dearest Aster Evans,

I have heard a great deal about you from those who follow me.
From what I have observed, you are smart, cunning, ambitious, intelligent, beautiful,  and powerful.
You are turning fifteen this yea,  and from what I have gathered accepting courtship, I would like for this humble gift to be the first in consideration.



I stared at the letter in shock because Voldemort......Tom Marvolo Riddle....has just asked to court me, to him and his people I am a muggle born, a mud blood but he sent this......something else is going here and I was determined to find out what because this is very flattering but it should be madder then a raging dog by now so what the hell was going on.
I walk out and go to Lil's room.  I walk in  forgetting to knock when I see a topless Severus with Lily laying into of him.

"O,  Merlin, I am so sorry."

Turning around going bright red while I hear the both of them scrabbling to fix themselves while holding back a giggle.

"Aster, what is it?"

Lily came up to me with concern knowing I general knock before handing her the letter, she was confused and read it but still looked confused, I turned around and saw Severus read it then looked at me before showing him the jewellery with the crest.
They both looked shocked when they saw i,  but then Severus said.

"That's the Slytherin family crest, but the only Lord Slytherin is......"

Severus paled then looked at me with concern and looked at Lily, who looked just as concerned.

"Why is he so interested in you?"

"I am taking away the next generation of power from him and Dumbledore, if he can get me then maybe he can get them too but he has been watching me but not enough to know I have his Horcruxes, what most confuses me is that the amount he has, he should be more unstable so I do not understand what is happening."

"Do not worry for now, keep the jewellery safe till you decide what to do, you know both Potter and Lestrange are going to do everything thry can from now on to win your hand, its going to be a rough few years."

" I am thankful I took my OWLs and NEWTs already."

I said with a relieved sigh, causing both of them to roll their eyes at me because I had a lot to do, and waisting time for tests I could take already was silly.
It was slowly approaching time to return to Hogwarts, and I was excited to return


What do you think so far?

Sorry for the delayed update. I have been sorting out my other stories.

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