Chapter Ten: Summer plans

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The trip home was quicker then I thought possible and informed my court about plans for this year and gave a special necklace to Bella to protect her from any betrothels and if she is in any danger would bring her to me.
I was fourteen now and knew the men would be wanting my hand, but they had to wait another year before I considered anyone seriously.

Lily always said it was barbaric and I agreed but I told her that once our plan we done, we could make the rules and we can get rid of things like that if they were detrimental to the couple in question.
Pre-nups were allowed, but others would need to be seen, and she agreed as they would have a full fit if we did a complete change in a short time.
She agreed, but I knew she was very passionate about women's rights, and I had to agree to a point, but I believed everyone had rights, men, women, and children.

The beginning of the summer was relatively peaceful we did our studying and made sure that all homework was completed before we did anything else an encouraged Severus and our friends to do the same that way it left the rest of the summer free to do as we pleased.

Petunia had gotten the job in the United States, which were all very thrilled about. But also really sad because our sister would be leaving us. So it would be a work placement of 2 years. She knew about our plans and my plans to create a different universe. Where I would most certainly be taking my sisters, I had yet to tell all my friends about the plan that I had come up with and why I was gathering so many magical artefacts. I was also planning to sacrifice Voldemort's Horcruxes to give that extra magical boust, I knew I would have to tell them soon. We were all preparing for the fourth year, and I knew I just wasn't magically strong enough....yet.
Rabastan, for the first time, decided to come around our house, and he got along surprisingly well with our mother as well. But they seem to have a lot in common. But I had to admit it was very funny when I saw James come round and he was on his best behaviour. I don't think I have ever seen James Potter on his best behaviour for anyone. Not even his parents, but apparently, he wanted to make a good impression on them.

He even broull looked like he wanted to crack up laughing, I kind of gathered that. It was that James fancied me, but I had no idea. The black brothers fancied me, too. I was starting to get a bit concerned that i had accidentally built a harem because I know Rabastan, that's he's interested in me too.

My sisters and mother thought it was the funniest thing in the world, but my father has been giving them all bar Remus the stink eye.
I have never seen so many purebloods so nervous.
Over the course of our summer, we played and studied, with our OWLs coming up, I refused to not get anything less than an O.
I would be doing Runes, Alchemy and Rituals this year as my extras and next summer I would be doing another three that I would be studying for throughout the year to take a test for, Tom Riddle had twelve OWLs and got O or Double Os in them, I wish to beat his record with fourteen.

I had received many invitations this year to balls but there was one thst I was considering The Greengrass family were hosting a ball, they were grey inclined and would be a great ally to have, so no one could say 100% thst I was a dark witch or evil as all were welcometo the ball with an invitation.
I wrote back and accepted , then declined the rest.
When I told the others and said I would be going with my sister Lily as Petunia would be in the states by then, I told the boys and they all pouted I would not be attending their family balls, I just said that I had much to learn and would be doing more balls next summer but as I was still young I wanted to do more then attend balls.
They nodded in understanding and knew the moment I started accepting more than one invite then they might see me less and did not want that and agreed that they would tell their family that I would only accept more than one was when I was a bit older.

When our letters arrived, I felt something was wrong with them, I did a scanning spell and found compulsions on them, I made sure to note them down before putting them into a special box then sending a letter to my friends and their parents asking for all of them to be checked and to check the letters.

A week later I was told that all of them had different compulsions but alone was a constant was to hate me, I knew it was Dumbledores doing but their parents had brought them protective jewellery and would glow when someone had tried to do it.
James parents where especially livid but at my request got themselves checked out and started to gather evidence, it turns out he had been poisoning them and trying to make it look like dragon poxs, the goblins have been working in saving them and thrn I get a letter from James telling me they owe me a life debt and I just pocket it away for a later date.

Once the whole fiasco was resolved, we did our school shopping and of course I bought extra books thrn made my usual trip to Nocton Alley, I bought a mixture of items but then i disillusioned myself do no Auror could stop me.

The day of the ball, Lily and I got dressed and this year we were being escorted by Rabastan Lestrange and Severus Snape-Prince, they both seemed thrilled, Severus was surly at best, he wanted to work on a new potion but did want to escort Lily, they both seemed enchanted by us, Lily was were a deep red dress with mesh sleeves and I was wearing a blue version but mine had the back lower then hers but both had a large skirt.

When we arrived then announced the room got a little quiet as we walked down, I could hear some people compare us and others were enchanted by the Evans twins but there was also the few that snubbed their noses at us because they believed us to be mudbloods.
We greeted Lord Greengrass with a smile, then his wife, along with his son and daughter.
His son was a year above us and was charming, but contrary to what he shows he is in love with a half blood Hufflepuff which I encouraged then Clarissa Greengrass was a sweet girl of eleven who would joining Hogwarts this year.

We spoke to them for a few minutes before moving on and letting the ball commence.
James, Sirus, Regulas and a few others made their way to us and we talked for a while before I noticed no one was dancing and thought it sad but I saw Lily was talking with Bellaxtrix and Narcissa and a few others then walked up to them ordering them to come dance with me and take off their shoes then flicked my wrist for music.

Most of the people were smiling and noticed how happy they all were. The dark faction were fighting the smiles, but you could see the light in their eyes.
What Aster did not see was Rabastan, Lucius, James, Sirus, Regulus, and another starring her like she was the most enchanting being in the whole room.

She then noticed in the corner someone with red eyes watching her. She smirked at him before going back to dancing with her friends.

Once they returned home, they told their parents about what they did and they laughed, Aster went to double check on the wards she set with her wandless magic and the runes she had carved into the house then the traps she had set.
She knew tonight she antagonise Voldemort but should would not sit by and let him mark her friends like cattle and if she could not save him thrn she would stop him and Dumbledore before they could kill off her entire generation.

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