Chapter Fifteen: Highlights Of Year Six

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This year I walked into the great hall with a prefect bag shinning on my uniform, I did not want to but Professor Flitwick refused to listen to me this year and insisted I become prefect.
I could see Dumbledore looking at me with distaste, especially with a prefect badge but I ignored him for now but I saw Lily was also prefect for Gryffindor but I knew she would.
I was partnered with a William Goldstein who flirted with me but not to much as he knew I was being courted and would most likely marry all three when I finished school.

This year was the lead up to NEWTs, so I offered tutor services and the payments was in the form of favors to be returned at any point but thst would not result in taking a life which they were alright with.
More Slytherins came to me this year for not only tutoring but also to talk to my about my views in things, when I spoke to them I offered different view point with evidence and were to find this themselves as I knew they would struggle to believe it without finding the proof themselves.
Over the next few weeks I had purebloods from many houses coming to me for information on muggles and I provided them with the evidence or were to find it thst muggles out numbered us millions to one and that seem to shake them to the core.
I am unsure what happened but I suddenly over the course of three months had hundreds of.........what did James call it again......... followers.
He laughed at that and insisted that they should bow, Sirus, Remus and Peter tried to get me to agree but I waved them off with a smile.

Rabastan was sending me small gifts over the course of the weeks and not to be out done so did James.
I had more jewellery then I knew what to do with, so they both changed the tack and started giving me books, I had never been more thankful hat I had an expandable trunk and bag to carry all of these.
I had been in contact with Lucius about acquiring all the latest technology and blue prints then to also get everything that was needed for a sperm bank and ovary egg bank, when he asked about i have informed him that they could freeze them to use at a later date which we would use to story for blood lines that refuse to leave, instead of loosing them to most likely death we would carry them on a different way.
He was confused but after sending him a book to read, a monh later he was on that quickly and soon discovered that muggoe did out do them in everything which scared him and his father Abraxas.
Tom had been sending me letters via a house elf and wished to meet me again at yule which I agreed too as he thinks he found the missing rune needed to create a solid successful portal to the new world I created.

As Yule was approaching I noticed Dumbledore watching me and my friends more closely, he had started trying to see my friends alone but thry never agreed and the one time James did, he ran right outside to throw up, he was fighting compulsions that Dumbledore was trying to weave and left right away, he was lucky the extra charms I gave him in the gifts I gave him helped fight them off, he wrote to his parents after that to warn them.
We all decided to stay at Hogwarts for Yule as we would go via Professor Slughorn flu to he Malfoy ball with our head of houses permission of course.
I was dressed in a deep blue dress with a low cut on my back and kitten heels.
I was wearing light silver jewellery and long dangling star earrings.
My hair was hanging loose bun with some curls and blue tint smokey eye effect.

I was the last to turn up and walked right to the flu before stepping in and walking out letting my power pour out a little, I could see my friends and sister close their eyes embracing my power.

"Are we ready to make an entrance?"

I said with a smirk which they returned before going to the double doors, thry all walked out one by one but just as thry were about to announce my name i stopped him and whispered the name I wanted him to say, he looked shocked at me but nodded with a blush.

"Presenting Lady Evans-Peverell."

I walked in and saw everyone looking at me in disbelief bar my sister and Severus who looked smug at knowing something no one else did.
I could see at the back Tom looking at me in shock, I winked st him but carried on till I took Rabastan and James hand before being led off to the side, then when the music started Rabastan danced with me first then James before I was passed to Tom.
These three occupied me for most of the night but Lucius was not far behind them but he spent a lot of time with Ness as well.
I also made sure to network with people and got what I could from them, James carried on oranking people that got to close to me and we ignored it.
Tom knew a lot of these people and thry would follow him and by some extent me then Rabastan would sometimes join James or he would help network with us.
It ended up being a fun night but we were all tired when we got back.

Over the rest of the year it was tutoring people for their exams and talking to pictures and stone guards thst where interested in leaving and guarding somewhere new, I also managed to find a few more secret rooms that I ransacked to take with me so they would not be left behind when I pretty much took the wizarding world with me.
Dumbledore was becoming more troublesome, we had talked to the Prewett twins and they found that their sister Molly was following Dumbledore with little care for her family, she already had Bill, Charlie, the twins and Percy but contrary to what she showed, she ignored them.
They agreed to take the boys with us and would keep an eye out for Dumbledore, they already made the twins the new Prewett heir if the worst happened but I gave them marks to transport them to me incase of danger.
We had at least two people from every family we asked would be joining us, along with their family books but we also had plenty of mundane-born witches and wizards wanting to leave it all behind, some from abuse, some from homelessness and other situations.
We rescued several that were being beaten by their parents church for being the devil spawn.
By the end of the year many of them agreed to take their NEWTs early so they could leave and start preparing everything we needed them to and would follow my sister Nia till I could get there with her soon to be husband and his magical family.

By the time the year ended,the number of students after fifth year dropped as they completed their OWLs and NEWTs early so thry could leave but I knew Dumbledore would not notice much but  next year would be the time I approach the staff and then deal with Dumbledore.

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