Chapter Five: High Lights of the first year

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I have been at Hogwarts a month now and, for the most part, loved it.
Most of the teachers were reasonable, and most of my classes were with Hufflepuff.
I had asked my head of House Professor Flitwick to have more diversity in classes from next year because it felt more like it was trying to cause problems with Slytherin and Gryffindor in he same class.
I had also asked for the class schedules from the last five years, and I had found the original school rule book, which has been unchanged since it was written.
I have to thank the laziness of wizards, it also had a map of the school.

'Was it something like this the Mauarders used?'

I couldn't wait for them to make it, so I started working in one, but it would take me a while.
I had found the room of hidden things and the diamante but left it fir now as I had no way of destroying it but I did find some books on the dark arts and other rituals which I took back to my rooms and out it in my warded trunk that was in my regular one.

Currently I was in thr library and finished the last of my home work which would leave me free for the weekend when I saw a shadow standing over me, I hand my wand ready to go before looking up with a blank face, I looked at this older boy at least third year. He was a Slytherin had grey-blue eyes with a hint of mischief and dark brown hair with hints of blonde.

"Merry Meet, my name is Rabastan Lestrange."

"Merry Meet, my name is Aster Evans."

He seemed surprised I knew the formal greeting between heirs or important families.

"May I sit, Miss Evans?"

"If you wish,"

I shrugged at that because I really didn't mind. I was far too young to court but offered a token of friendship by allowing him to sit.
We sat in silence as I was finishing off my essay when he spoke.

"Doing your homework?"

"Finishing, actually. It frees my time to explore."

I looked at him with a cheeky smile and got a little wider when he seemed surprised.

"Finished already."

"I AM a Raveclaw"

He chuckled at that but nodded with a smile.

"True, I was wondering.......if you would allow me to accompany you around the castle one day soon. We could ask two people to chaperone so you know I am being sincere."

I had to admit it, but that touched my heart a little, and so I gave him a soft nod with a small smile.

"That is acceptable. Remember, i am only eleven and will not be looking for more until after fifteen."

"I find that most acceptable."

He smiled then just as he was about to say something we heard a loud noise by the entrance of the library.
I packed my bag and started to make my way there with Rabastan following close behind me when we got there I saw Severus with Lucius but they seemd to be arguing with James and Sirus with Remus and a timid boy who I was guessing was Peter.

"You Slytherins need to stay away."

"Oh, and you think Gryffindors are good enough,"

Just before this could get any worse, i tsked loudly, which caused them all to turn at me, and I looked back at them with a raised eyebrow.

"You four are heir to your houses, and you act like a common muggle hooligan in the corridors.
Honestly........people are trying to study. If you gentleman are quiet done."

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