Chapter 1

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The warm glow of the oven kissed Seokjin's face as he sculpted strawberry shortcakes into miniature masterpieces. Flour dusted his apron, a badge of honor in his culinary kingdom. Each swirl of whipped cream, each glistening berry, held a silent whisper of Taehyung, the object of his secret admiration.

It all started at a company dinner, where Seokjin, hidden behind the catering counter, stole glances at Taehyung. The model, bathed in the halo of chandeliers, exuded an effortless charm that made Seokjin's heart do cartwheels. He was a sunbeam amidst flickering candles, an unattainable star in Seokjin's chef's hat constellation.
Yet, Seokjin had his way of bridging the gap, albeit anonymously.

Every morning, the elevator below Taehyung's floor would whisper its secrets as he tiptoed out, leaving a trail of crimson roses and decadent strawberry shortcakes by Taehyung's door. The roses, bold and passionate, mirrored the heat that bloomed in Seokjin's chest every time he thought of Taehyung's smile. The shortcakes, delicate and sweet, spoke of the tenderness he held within.

His mother's voice crackled on the phone, a familiar comfort amidst the flutter of his secret mission.

"Strawberry season soon, Jinnie," she chirped. "Remember your Grandma's recipe, extra jam, just the way Taehyung likes it." Seokjin's heart stuttered. How did his mother know? Was it just coincidence, or did the whispers of his crush somehow travel through the grapevine of family gossip? He chuckled, feeling a warm flush creep up his neck. "Of course, Mom," he promised, his words thick with secret longing.

Back in his own humble apartment, beneath Taehyung's sky-high haven, Seokjin poured his heart into the shortcakes. Each batch was a love letter, each strawberry a silent kiss. He dreamt of seeing Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise, of hearing his soft "thank you" echo down the hallway. But fear kept him rooted in his anonymity, a silent admirer content with stolen glances and fleeting moments of joy.

The routine became his ritual, a dance of stolen seconds and sugary confessions. Yet, a question nagged at the corner of his mind: would the day come when he could unveil the chef behind the roses, when he could face Taehyung, not as a nameless shadow, but as Seokjin, the man who loved him in shortcakes and whispered affection in flour dust?
“I pray Taehyungie will notice me,” Seokjin said, while preparing food for the restaurant.

Jungkook's days were grunts and cheers, his gym a stage where bodies and spirits were sculpted. His clients, a tapestry of ambition and struggles, found in him a guide and a friend. He reveled in their successes, each weight shed a testament to his dedication. Savored their success stories, the joy in their eyes his greatest reward. Then came Taehyung, a challenge made of marble and sculpted dreams.

Taehyung, with his chiseled cheekbones and smoldering gaze, was a walking advertisement for perfection. Yet, beneath the glossy veneer, Jungkook glimpsed a vulnerability, a boy lost in the labyrinth of fame. Their sessions became havens of laughter and shared secrets, forging a bond deeper than just trainer and client.

One day, Taehyung confessed, his voice a hushed murmur. "I have a secret admirer," he said, his eyes sparkling like diamonds. "They leave me flowers, the most beautiful roses, and these incredible strawberry shortcakes. I can't eat them, you know, diet and all, but the thought... it's like a love poem in sugar."

Jungkook's heart sang a different tune. As he watched Taehyung devour Jungkook's protein shakes and lament the forbidden strawberry shortcakes left by his secret admirer, a pang of jealousy snaked through him. He yearned to be the one leaving those sweet tokens, to see Taehyung's eyes light up not just at a ripped bicep, but at the sight of Jungkook himself.

But reality played a harsh melody. Jungkook, with his rented small apartment and ramen-filled nights, knew he wasn't Taehyung's type. The world of flashing cameras and million-dollar deals was light-years away from his own. His feelings, raw and tender, needed to be buried under layers of professionalism and self-deprecation.

One sweltering afternoon, Taehyung, defeated after a particularly grueling session, slumped onto the bench. "This diet," he groaned, "feels like a life sentence." He eyed the discarded box of strawberry shortcakes with a longing that mirrored Jungkook's own.

Jungkook felt a pang of envy, a bitter twist in his smile. These were his roses, his shortcakes, his silent serenade of love. He wanted to shout, "It's me! I'm the one who worships the ground you walk on!" But the words stuck in his throat, choked by the fear of rejection.

His poverty felt like a lead weight, anchoring him to the sidelines while Taehyung soared in the limelight. His apartment, a cozy haven beneath Taehyung's penthouse, felt like a basement compared to the model's celestial abode.
He convinced himself that Taehyung, a creature of perfection, wouldn't find solace in the warmth. So, Jungkook bottled his feelings, burying them beneath a facade of friendly banter. He watched Taehyung pine for his anonymous admirer, a silent observer in a play where he desperately wanted to be the leading man for a perfect person like him.

Jungkook is going to leave. The door was flung open, revealing Seokjin standing there, cheeks flushed, holding a bouquet of vibrant roses and a box of beautifully wrapped sweets. Jungkook froze, caught in the act of watching the pastry chef scurry away. Taehyung, drawn by the commotion, peeked over Jungkook's shoulder.

"Jungkook, who was that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Jungkook scrambled for an explanation, his mind racing. "Uh, just... someone delivering another of your gifts," he stammered, glancing toward the retreating figure of Seokjin.

Taehyung's eyes lit up. "More roses! And… oh, are those strawberry shortcakes?" He grabbed the box from Jungkook's hands, ignoring the slight wobble as his fingers brushed.
Taehyung's face, however, flickered with a fleeting moment of concern. "But…" he hesitated, eyeing the pastries with longing, "I'm supposed to be on a strict diet for my photoshoot."

The air crackled with unspoken tension. Jungkook knew Seokjin's elaborate gestures stemmed from his secret affection for Taehyung. He also understood Taehyung's struggle with perfectionism and body image. A knot of worry tightened in his own stomach.
Suddenly, an idea sparked in Jungkook's mind. "Here's a thought," he said, extending his hand towards the box. "Why don't I try these for you? You can just admire the roses, like a work of art. And besides, wouldn't it be a shame to let your admirer’s effort go to waste?"

Taehyung looked at him, surprised. Then, a slow smile tugged at his lips. "Not a bad idea," he admitted, handing over the box. "Just promise not to eat them all yourself."

As Jungkook slipped out into the hallway, he caught a glimpse of Seokjin peeking out from behind an apartment door, eyes wide with hope and anxiety. Jungkook gave him a reassuring thumbs-up, hoping his small gesture would bridge the gap between them.
Back in the apartment, Taehyung admired the roses, their vibrant colors mirroring the blush on his cheeks.

He realized his perception of perfection had been too narrow. It wasn't just about chiseled abs and flawless skin; it was also about kindness, generosity, and appreciating the beauty in unexpected places, even in a box of delicious strawberry shortcakes.

I hope I can meet you Kim Seokjin. A beautiful name for a beautiful creature like you. A perfect match to a perfect person like me.” 

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