Chapter 25

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The party's vibrant energy faded as Seokjin entered his lonely apartment, the silence a stark contrast to the earlier buzz. Weariness settled upon him, but sleep remained elusive. He scrolled through his phone, the lingering social media updates from the party only amplifying his sense of isolation.

A notification caught his eye. It was a simple message from his mother, a single line: "Thinking of you. Love, Mom." A wave of warmth washed over him. His mother was his anchor, the one person he could always confide in, the one who understood him without needing words.

Hesitantly, he pressed the call button. The familiar ring echoed in the quiet room, each ring a beat against the silence. Finally, her voice filled the void, filled with warmth and concern. "Jinnie?" she asked gently, her voice laced with a knowingness that transcended words.

Seokjin choked back a sigh. He usually shared everything with her, but tonight, the words seemed to catch in his throat. The tangled mess of emotions – the joy of the successful party, the unexpected arrival of IVE, the pang of jealousy seeing Jungkook with Wonyoung, the lingering resentment towards Taehyung – swirled within him, a chaotic storm he didn't quite know how to navigate.

He started with the lighter topics, the success of the new menu, the positive feedback from guests like Gaeul. But even as he spoke, a silence hung between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts. His mother, the master of reading between the lines, waited patiently.

Finally, after a long pause, Seokjin confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "It's just... complicated, Mom." He poured out his heart, the weight lifting ever so slightly as he shared his conflicting emotions, the fear of rejection, the confusion he couldn't seem to unravel.

His mother listened without judgment, her presence a source of solace. As he finished, a comforting silence settled, filled only with the soft sounds of their breathing. Then, her voice, gentle yet firm, broke the quiet. "Jinnie," she said, "remember, love doesn't always look the way we expect it to. Sometimes, it takes courage to be vulnerable, to trust even when it's scary. Don't let fear hold you back, my love."

Her words, simple yet profound, resonated within him. He felt a flicker of hope, a renewed sense of determination. Perhaps his mother was right. Perhaps it was time to face his fears, to be honest with himself and with the one who held his heart, regardless of the outcome.

As he hung up the call, a sense of calm settled upon him. His mother's love, unwavering and unconditional, had served as a guiding light, reminding him that he wasn't alone in his journey. He still didn't have all the answers, but he was ready to face the challenges ahead, one step at a time.

The next day, Taehyung's smug satisfaction from "knocking Seokjin out of his senses" during the party vanished like a puff of smoke the moment he saw him. Seokjin, who had been avoiding Taehyung all morning, sat at a booth in a popular burger joint, devouring a mountain of high-calorie food: a juicy burger, crispy fries, and a bucket of fried chicken.

Taehyung felt a surge of unease and confusion, his carefully constructed facade crumbling. "Seokjin," he began hesitantly, "why aren't we at Blue Mist? They have amazing vegan options now, and it's been incredibly successful after IVE promoted it."

Seokjin, mid-bite of his burger, simply shrugged and ignored Taehyung's question, his silence deafening. He reached for another fry, dipped it in a mountain of ketchup, and popped it in his mouth, ignoring the way Taehyung's gaze darted between him and the greasy food.

Seokjin then grabbed a strawberry milkshake, its redness contrasting starkly with his pale face. He took a large sip, seemingly relishing the sugary treat. He finally spoke, his voice laced with a hint of defiance, "Taehyung, you haven't always eaten at Blue Mist, have you? Sometimes, it's good to try other stuff, right?"

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