Chapter 35

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The aroma of delicious food filled the air as Hyung-joong expertly navigated her kitchen. Movements were practice, a testament of two years of experience, yet a hint of melancholy shadowed her eyes. Across the table sat Taehyung, his gaze fixed on his mother with an intensity that held unspoken emotions.

Taehyung wasn't blind to the way his father, Tae-woo, stole glances at Hyung-joong whenever he thought no one was looking. A flicker of something akin to longing flickered in Tae-woo's eyes, a stark contrast to his usual stoic demeanor. Taehyung, however, remained silent, the weight of the past a heavy burden on his heart.

He remembered the bitter arguments, the accusations hurled, the day Hyung-joong packed her bags and walked out, leaving a gaping hole in their lives. Back then, his anger is directed solely at her, convinced she'd abandoned them. It was only recently, as he witnessed Hyung-joong's unwavering love for Hoseok, that a seed of doubt had sprouted in his mind.

"Mom," Taehyung finally spoke, his voice gentle, "you should take a break. Let me finish up here."

Hyung-joong smiled faintly, a hint of gratitude warming her eyes. "Thank you, Taehyung. You've been a big help lately."

"We need to talk about Hoseok," Taehyung said, his voice turning serious.

Hyung-joong's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of worry crossing her features. "What is it, sweetheart? Is everything alright?"

Taehyung hesitated, unsure how to articulate the gnawing concern in his gut. He'd seen the dark circles under Hoseok's eyes, the way he flinched at unexpected sounds, the forced cheer that never quite reached his eyes. Something was wrong, and Taehyung, despite their strained relationship, couldn't ignore it any longer.

"He seems...different," Taehyung said slowly. "More withdrawn, quieter than usual. Has he mentioned anything to you or has he just been like that?"

Hyung-joong placed a hand on her chest, a thoughtful frown etching itself onto her face. "Now that you mention it," she said slowly, "he has been refusing to eat breakfast lately. He also seems reluctant to talk about school."

Hyung-joong placed a plate brimming with fresh-cut vegetables and a protein-rich dip in front of Taehyung. "Here you go, dear," she said, her voice laced with warmth. "A post-workout snack to keep your energy levels up."

Taehyung, ever the health-conscious model, smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Mom. You know me too well." He took a bite of the crisp cucumber, savoring the cool crunch. Despite the tension that often hung heavy in the air between them, these little moments of shared meals and casual conversation were something he cherished.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a manila envelope, his expression turning serious. "Mom, this is about Hoseok."

Hyung-joong's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her eyes. "What about him, Taehyung?"

"I hired a private investigator," Taehyung admitted, his voice low. "I needed to know what was going on at school."

Hyung-joong's breath hitched, and she reached out to clutch the edge of the table. The report, still sealed, seemed to weigh heavily in Taehyung's hand.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung pushed the envelope towards her. "Open it, Mom. You need to see this."

Hyung-joong's hands trembled as she unsealed the envelope, her heart pounding in her chest. The stark black and white photos and detailed report unfolded a truth she hadn't dared to imagine. The words blurred in her vision as tears welled up in her eyes. The vibrant, cheerful boy she remembered, the one who used to fill the house with laughter and dance moves, was being subjected to relentless cruelty.

The details of the bullying were brutal – taunts scrawled on his locker, malicious rumors spread, and the constant social isolation. Each line in the report chipped away at the image of the stoic teenager Hyung-joong had tried to reconcile with. This wasn't the Hoseok she knew. This wasn't the son she wanted to protect.

A sob escaped her lips, and Taehyung was by her side in an instant, his arm wrapping comfortingly around her shoulders.

"Mom, I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I should have known. I should have done something sooner."

Hyung-joong leaned into his embrace, the dam of her emotions breaking. The guilt that had gnawed at her for years – the guilt of leaving, of not being there for Hoseok – intensified by a thousandfold. The picture of a happy, dancing Hoseok bringing joy to his ailing father flashed in her mind. How could she have let this happen?

As the weight of the revelation settled in, a fierce determination ignited within Hyung-joong. She wouldn't stand by and watch this abuse continue. For Hoseok, for the memory of her departed husband, she would fight.

A wave of revelation washed over Taehyung as Hyung-joong's words hung in the air. "Hoseok isn't my son, Taehyung. But he's my family, as much as you are." The raw emotion in her voice resonated with him, a testament to the love that transcended blood ties.

Shame prickled at Taehyung. "Mom, I'm so sorry," he stammered. "I shouldn't have hired a PI without talking to you first."

Hyung-joong reached out and squeezed his hand, a sad smile gracing her lips. "No, Taehyung, it's okay. Thank you for caring so much about Hoseok. It means the world to me."

A tear escaped her eye as she gazed at the photos in the report. "Seeing him like this... it breaks my heart. All this time, he masked the pain with smiles. He never let on about the bullying."

Taehyung felt a surge of protectiveness towards his stepbrother. "He's strong, Mom. But no one deserves to go through this alone."

Hyung-joong nodded, her resolve hardening. "You're right. We need to do something. We need to show him he's not alone."

The air hung heavy in the restaurant booth, thick with the unspoken weight of the private investigator's report lying open on the table between Hyung-joong and Taehyung. Frustration and helplessness etched lines on Hyung-joong's face. "We can't just sit here," she murmured, her voice tight.

Taehyung, his gaze fixed on the photo of Minho which he knew is Hoseok's crush and the reason for his bullying.


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