Chapter 31 Spin-off Anorexic Love VHOPE

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The bustling atmosphere of Blue Mist was momentarily disrupted by the arrival of an unexpected guest – Hyung-joong, Taehyung's mother. The sight of her sent a jolt through Taehyung, a mix of surprise and a flicker of apprehension. Memories of their strained relationship, the constant arguments that led to their divorce, surfaced unbidden.

Hyung-joong, looking older and more careworn than Taehyung remembered, stood awkwardly at the entrance. Her eyes, usually sharp and critical, held a flicker of vulnerability that caught Taehyung off guard.

Hesitantly, she approached Taehyung, a hesitant smile gracing her lips. "Taehyung," she began, her voice strained. "Can we talk?"

Taehyung, unsure of how to react, glanced towards Seokjin, a silent question hanging in the air. Seokjin, ever perceptive, gave him a reassuring nod and a sympathetic smile before excusing himself to tend to a waiting customer.

With a deep breath, Taehyung gestured towards a quiet corner booth. "Of course, Mom. What is it?"

Hyung-joong sat down, her gaze flickering around the bustling restaurant before settling on Taehyung. A wave of emotions – sadness, regret, and a hint of desperation – washed over her face.

"Taehyung," she began, her voice thick with emotion, "there's something you need to know. It's about your father..."

Taehyung braced himself, expecting another lecture or criticism. But what Hyung-joong revealed next painted a picture he never could have imagined.

She spoke of her recent struggles – her new lover, Jung Hae-in, succumbing to cancer, the mountain of medical debt they accumulated, and the sacrifice she had to make to care for him during his illness. She confessed to quitting her job to be by his side, leaving them in a precarious financial situation.

The final blow came when she revealed the plight of Hoseok, Hae-in's son. A bright young man on the verge of university, his dreams were now threatened by their financial woes. Hyung-joong, her eyes filled with unshed tears, confessed her desperation. She needed Taehyung's help, a job at Blue Mist for Hoseok to ease their burden.

Taehyung listened, stunned into silence. This revelation shattered the image he'd held of his aloof parents, painting a picture of heartbreak and struggle. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for his mother, a woman he barely knew on a personal level.

Alerted by the unusual quiet of the restaurant, Tae-woo pushed open the back door of Blue Mist. The bustling lunchtime crowd had thinned, and a sense of disarray hung in the air. He scanned the room, searching for Taehyung. His son's usual spot behind the counter was empty, and a nagging worry began to gnaw at him.

"Excuse me," he addressed a young waitress, "Have you seen Taehyung? He usually doesn't leave without letting someone know."

The waitress, visibly flustered, shook her head. "No, sir. He just... left in a hurry, didn't say anything."

Unease tightened Tae-woo's grip. This wasn't like Taehyung. He was a creature of routine, and disappearing without a word was out of character. A sudden thought struck him, and he strode purposefully towards the small office tucked away behind the kitchen.

Reaching for the doorknob, he hesitated for a moment. The past few weeks had been marked by a tentative peace between him and Hyung-joong. He hadn't seen her at the restaurant before, but the possibility of a heated exchange with Taehyung made his stomach clench.

With a deep breath, he pushed the door open. The sight that greeted him froze him in his tracks. Hyung-joong sat in Taehyung's chair, her back stiff, her face etched with a mixture of anxiety and determination. Opposite her sat a young man, his head bowed, his shoulders slumped.

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