Chapter 11

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After he cried for an hour to let out all of his emotions. All stress and burden going to blow him out. He decided to start the car when he realized he was out of gas, because of work. He forgot to fill the gas and check the engine.

Furthermore, he fumbled for his phone, dialing the number of a towing company. While waiting, an unnerving silence descended, broken only by the distant wail of sirens. He glanced at the stars and moon, like Jungkook and Seokjin for the last six years. Both of them love looking at the night skies after a hard-working night workout. Then a bustling sound came from the dark.

Three teenagers, their faces obscured by the anonymity of darkness, emerged from behind a nearby overpass. One held a baseball bat, its silhouette menacing in the fading light. Their eyes, filled with a predatory glint, were fixed on Seokjin, sizing him up like a wounded prey.

Fear, cold and primal, slithered down his spine. This was the cherry on top of a disastrous day, a final twist in the cruel game of fate.

"Nice car," one of them sneered, his voice laced with malice. "Shame what happened to it."

Seokjin looked at them, waiting to strike. "Just an engine failure," he croaked. "Help is coming."

"Help?" another snorted, stepping closer. "We can offer you some help...for a price."

The bat swung menacingly in the teenager's hand, casting long shadows that danced with danger. Seokjin's mind raced, searching for a strategy. His phone lay useless on the ground, the towing company a distant. He positioned himself to fight.

The sirens cut through the tense silence, their wail echoing harshly in the night. The headlights of the approaching police patrol sliced through the darkness, illuminating the scene like a spotlight on a frozen dance.

Seokjin, adrenaline still thrumming through his veins, stood muscles coiled, ready to fight if necessary. But the arrival of the law enforcement changed the game. The teenagers, sensing the tide turning against them, scattered like startled pigeons, disappearing into the labyrinthine alleys behind the overpass.

Only Jun-suk remained, frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. His face, illuminated by the flashing lights, was a mask of fear and defiance. Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, Seokjin saw beyond the bravado and fury – a lost boy, desperately clinging to a misguided sense of belonging.

The officers, seasoned veterans of the city's underbelly, quickly assessed the situation. One cop, a burly man with a handlebar mustache, approached Seokjin, his gaze sharp and questioning.

"What happened here, son?" he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.

Seokjin explained the situation, his voice still tinged with the adrenaline he'd felt moments earlier. He described the attempted carjacking, the teenagers' menacing approach, and his own instinctive stance for self-defense.

"You boys causing trouble again?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Jun-suk, cowed by the officer's presence, mumbled something unintelligible. The other cop, a younger woman with a ponytail framing her steely eyes, stepped forward.

"We found a crowbar and a smashed car radio nearby," she said, holding up the evidence. "Looks like an attempted grand theft auto to me."

Jun-suk flinched, the bravado fading like spilled paint. He knew the game was up. The police officer decides to take Jun-suk and his gang to the police station since they're juveniles.

The tension hung heavy in the air. The officers were poised to arrest Jun-suk, and Seokjin felt the weight of his decision in his gut. Filing charges would bring down the full force of the law on Jungkook's brother, potentially ruining his future. But letting him go could leave Seokjin vulnerable to future retaliation.

He closed his eyes, the dilemma churning in his mind. Jungkook's trusting face flashed before him, his voice echoing in his ears. At that moment, Seokjin knew what he had to do. As they approached the front desk, a young officer named Park wrote a report for the youngsters.

"I don't want to press charges," he said, his voice firm and determined to help the gang especially, Jun-suk. "Let them go."

The officers exchanged surprised glances. The younger cop raised an eyebrow, but the man with the mustache merely nodded.

"Alright, son," he said, his voice gruff but laced with respect. "We'll give you a pass this time. But stay out of trouble, you hear. Stay here, I'll call your parents to fetch the three of you?"

With a mumbled "yes sir," Jun-suk and his gang happily said.

Seokjin tucked the letter for Jungkook into Jun-suk's hand, his fingers brushing briefly against the rough calloused skin. The encounter, unexpected and tense, had left an unsettling residue on his nerves. Yet, amidst the unease, a flicker of hope flickered. This letter, a fragile bridge across a chasm of uncertainty, held the potential for a reunion with Jungkook.

"Give this to Jungkook," Seokjin said, his voice a low rumble in the stillness. "Tell him I... I need to see him. It's important."

Jun-suk, still reeling from the encounter with the police and Seokjin's unexpected clemency, stared at the letter with a mixture of awe and confusion. His eyes, usually filled with defiance, held a flicker of something softer, a spark of gratitude struggling to break through the hardened shell.

Seokjin, sensing a shift in the atmosphere, offered a hesitant smile. "Tell him I... I miss him," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jun-suk nodded, his brow furrowed in thought. The boy who had moments ago been a snarling predator, ready to pounce, now seemed almost vulnerable, burdened by the weight of the letter and the unspoken message it carried.

Jun-suk, still reeling from the events of the night, stared at Seokjin with wide, surprised eyes. The man who could have brought down his brother.

"He'll be... surprised," Jun-suk stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "But I'll give him the letter."

Seokjin nodded, a small, grateful smile playing on his lips. He knew the situation was far from ideal. The trust was fragile, the tension still simmering. Jun-suk couldn't close his eyes to Seokjin's beauty.

Seokjin felt a surge of excitement mixed with trepidation. He wanted to see Jungkook again.

A wave of excitement washed over Seokjin, a warm counterpoint to the lingering tension. He craved the sight of Jungkook's smile, the comforting weight of his presence. The memory of their last meeting six years ago, fraught with misunderstandings and hurt, gnawed at him. He longed to bridge the gap, to rebuild the fragile trust that had been shattered.

Seokjin smiles looking at the mushroom plushie with a light contented feeling.

"See you soon, Jungkook," 


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