Chapter 23

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Taehyung's anger erupted like a storm. He flung a shirt across the room, the fabric hitting the wall with a dull thud. Frustration coiled tight in his chest, fueled by two successive blows to his already fragile ego. First, Jungkook, his supposed best friend, had once again managed to capture Seokjin's attention, winning some unknown competition and earning Seokjin's praise. The sight of their laughter and shared excitement had been a dagger to his heart.

Then, there was the meeting at Blue Mist. Taehyung had stewed silently throughout, his possessiveness simmering as Seokjin and Namjoon discussed their proposal with his father. To his utter disappointment, Tae-woo had readily approved the project, seemingly impressed by Namjoon's business acumen. The fact that Taehyung recognized Namjoon – his gym instructor from Golden Muscle Gym – only added to the bitterness.

Now, alone in his apartment, Taehyung sank onto the bed, the plush surface offering little comfort. He pictured them all together – Seokjin, his vibrant smile directed at Namjoon, Jungkook's carefree laughter echoing in the air, and his father's approving nod. It felt like a scene from a movie he wasn't part of, an outsider watching his happiness slip through his fingers.

But Taehyung wasn't one to give up easily. His possessiveness, often mistaken for love, burned with renewed intensity. He wouldn't let this project, this Namjoon nor Jungkook, come between him and Seokjin. He had to act, and fast. But what?


Jungkook's head spun as the glass door of Golden Muscle Gym swung open, revealing a figure he never expected to see – Taehyung. The prince of the Kim family, clad in his usual aura of arrogance and a sharp suit, stood there, looking entirely out of place amongst the sweaty gym-goers and vibrant decorations.

Jungkook's initial surprise gave way to a tight smile as he offered a professional greeting. Internally, however, he was on high alert. What brought Taehyung here? Was it a business proposal, a casual visit, or something more sinister?

Taehyung, meanwhile, scanned the gym with a mix of amusement and curiosity. He couldn't deny the success Jungkook had built, the energy buzzing in the air a testament to his dedication. His gaze then landed on the front desk, where a plush mushroom toy, a gift from Seokjin, sat nestled among brochures.

"Can I have this cute toy?" Taehyung asked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Jungkook's smile faltered. The mushroom toy held more than just aesthetic value. It was a symbol of countless late nights spent with Seokjin, filled with laughter, whispered secrets, and shared dreams. It was a tangible reminder of their bond, something he wouldn't part with easily.

"It's not for sale," Jungkook replied, his voice firm.

Taehyung's amusement wavered, replaced by a flicker of annoyance. "But it's just a toy," he scoffed.

"It's more than that," Jungkook countered, his gaze meeting Taehyung's defiantly. "It represents something special, something you wouldn't understand."

A playful smirk stretched across Taehyung's face as Jungkook's rejection hung in the air. "It's just a toy, Jungkook," he drawled, his voice dripping with feigned nonchalance. "Surely you can't be that attached to it."

Jungkook held his gaze steadily. "It's not just any toy," he countered, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of challenge. "Why are you so insistent on having it?"

Taehyung's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of surprise. He hadn't expected this directness, this probing question that cut straight to the core of his impulsive desire. He knew himself well, his need for control, his pursuit of perfection, his tendency to covet anything that held even a glimmer of beauty or significance. But to admit that to Jungkook, his rival in business and, more importantly, in Seokjin's affections, was unthinkable.

He opened his mouth to retort, a witty comeback ready on his tongue, but the words died in his throat. Jungkook's question had exposed a vulnerability he hadn't wanted to acknowledge, a truth hidden even from himself. He couldn't answer, not honestly. Not without revealing the insecurities and possessiveness that gnawed at him, the fear of losing Seokjin that fueled his obsessive desires.

The silence stretched, thick and heavy. Taehyung's eyes darted nervously around the gym, avoiding Jungkook's unwavering gaze. He felt cornered, stripped bare by the simple question, his carefully constructed facade crumbling.

Taehyung, backed into a corner by Jungkook's question, wouldn't leave defeated. He needed to regain control, to shift the focus away from his exposed vulnerability. A sly smirk crept back onto his face.

"You're right," he conceded, his voice feigning nonchalance. "It's just a silly toy. Not worth getting worked up over."

But then, with a flourish, he pulled out his trump card. "Speaking of celebrations, I'm throwing a grand party for my grandfather's birthday next week. A gathering of the city's elite, naturally." He paused, his eyes locking onto Jungkook's. "And I'd like to extend the invitation to you, Jimin, and even Mr. Kim, the gym instructor extraordinaire."

Jungkook felt a tremor run through him. The invitation itself wasn't unexpected, but the unspoken message it carried was a punch to the gut. Taehyung was announcing his victory, flaunting his claim on Seokjin in front of everyone, including Jungkook.

Despite the pain twisting in his heart, Jungkook knew he couldn't back down. He wouldn't give Taehyung the satisfaction of seeing him crumble. "We'd be honored," he said, his voice firm, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

Taehyung's lips curled into a self-assured grin. He had achieved his goal, deflecting attention from his discomfort and establishing his dominance. But he couldn't ignore the flicker of something else in Jungkook's eyes – a defiance, a quiet strength that made him uneasy.

Taehyung's smile stretched wide, a predator savoring his victory. He had backed Jungkook into a corner, exposed his vulnerability, and now, with a final jab, he delivered the ultimate blow. "Don't forget," he purred, his voice dripping with mock sweetness, "the party is next week. And be prepared, because I'll be announcing my upcoming wedding with Seokjin."

Jungkook's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drum solo of pain and despair. He forced a smile, the effort leaving his lips feeling numb. "Of course," he choked out, the words barely audible. "Congratulations... I'm truly happy for you both."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, searching for any flicker of doubt, any hint of insincerity. He saw none. Jungkook's mask remained intact, but the tremor in his voice, the tension in his clenched fists, spoke volumes.

With a final nod, Taehyung turned and sauntered out of the gym, leaving Jungkook drowning in a sea of conflicting emotions. The invitation to the party, once a harmless gesture, now felt like an invitation to his own execution. He knew he couldn't avoid it, not without raising suspicion. But the thought of witnessing Taehyung's triumph, of celebrating Seokjin's supposed happiness with the man who caused him so much heartache, was unbearable.


Thank you for reading my stories. I hope you love my story.Please vote and comment nice words.Have a nice day ^^Borahae

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