Chapter 21

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The steam from the tea mingled with the tension that hung heavy in the air. Seokjin, his heart still thrumming from his heated phone call with Taehyung, returned to the pantry. He found Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jimin engaged in a hushed conversation, their expressions serious.

"Are you sure about your guys' relationship?" Jungkook's voice, laced with concern, pierced through the silence.

Namjoon and Jimin exchanged glances, their faces etched with a mixture of defiance and apprehension. "It won't affect our work," Namjoon assured, his voice firm but lacking conviction. "We know our boundaries."

Seokjin, observing the scene from the corner, felt a pang of empathy. The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within, both personal and professional. He felt a quiet urge to offer solace, to create a space of understanding amidst the chaos.

With a gentle smile, he set another set of teacups on the table, the clink echoing softly. Their attention turned towards him, each grappling with their own thoughts and anxieties.

"More tea?" he offered, his voice a soothing balm.

The shared tea had calmed the air somewhat, the steam carrying away some of the tension. Gratitude filled the room as Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook thanked Seokjin for the delicious and delicate tea. The unexpected compliment warmed Seokjin, a brief respite from the storm raging within him.

Hunger pangs gnawed at their stomachs, leading them to the gym's pantry. There, nestled in a corner, sat a forgotten noodle section. Inspired, Seokjin decided to whip up some ramen. As he expertly worked his culinary magic, the air filled with the enticing aroma of spices and simmering broth.

To everyone's surprise, the ramen was a revelation. Rich, flavorful, and perfectly cooked, it exceeded all expectations. Laughter filled the room, the delicious food temporarily pushing aside their worries.

As they savored the final slurps, Seokjin's gaze landed on an old, dusty vending machine tucked away in the corner. An idea sparked in his mind, a potential solution to multiple problems.

He turned to Jungkook, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Jungkook, remember that old vending machine the previous owner wouldn't use because of outdated stock?"

Jungkook nodded, intrigued. "Yeah, it's just collecting dust. What about it?"

"What if we revived it?" Seokjin proposed, his voice buzzing with enthusiasm. "We could fill it with healthy snacks and drinks, offering our members a convenient and healthy option. Plus, it could bring in some extra income for the gym."

Jungkook's initial skepticism melted away, replaced by genuine interest. "That's actually a great idea, hyung! We could even offer unique items not readily available elsewhere."

The storm outside had subsided, replaced by a calm drizzle echoing the renewed energy in the gym. Fueled by Seokjin's vending machine idea, the four friends spent the night brainstorming. Laughter and excitement filled the air as they tossed ideas back and forth, their combined creativity sparking like the last flashes of lightning.

Seokjin, his heart heavy with his unfulfilled bakery dream, poured his passion into the discussion. He shared his detailed plans, his recipes, and his vision for a warm, inviting space filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread. He spoke of his lifelong dream of sharing his love for baking with others, of creating a community hub where people could gather, connect, and indulge in his culinary creations.

However, a familiar knot formed in his stomach as he remembered Taehyung's constant rejection. His father's business needs always took precedence, leaving Seokjin's dream locked away.

Sensing his friend's dejection, Jungkook offered a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hyung, don't give up," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "This is your dream, and it's amazing. We're here for you."

Namjoon, ever the strategist, chimed in. "Actually, Jungkook," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I might have a solution for Seokjin's dilemma."

Seokjin, his initial apprehension replaced by excitement, poured out his bakery dream. He revealed his carefully saved funds, yet the familiar sting of Taehyung's disapproval echoed in his mind.

"What if...Taehyung doesn't approve?"

Jungkook, ever the optimist, offered a solution. "Hyung, don't listen to Taehyung. You have the passion and the skills. And guess what? Namjoon's a business wizard!" He gestured towards their friend, who sat quietly, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Namjoon smiled modestly. "I wouldn't call myself a wizard," he chuckled. "But I do have some experience in strategy and social media management. And," he added, a glint in his eyes, "I happen to own the building where Golden Muscle Gym is located."

Seokjin's jaw dropped. "You own this building?"

"Yep!" Namjoon confirmed. "Inherited it from my folks. Renting it to the gym was my first venture, and it wouldn't have been possible without my strategies."

Seokjin's heart hammered with possibility. The pieces were falling into place. A bakery tucked within the gym, offering healthy treats and gourmet coffee... it could be perfect!

As dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Namjoon and Seokjin continued their brainstorming session, fueled by the last drops of coffee and the hum of the gym reopening. Jimin and Jungkook, exhausted from their late-night sheet-folding marathon, snored peacefully in the corner.

Seokjin, though initially skeptical about the vending machine idea, found himself drawn to its simplicity and potential. He envisioned a vibrant machine filled with fresh fruit, colorful veggies, and healthy snacks that wouldn't compromise on taste. "But wouldn't it be risky?" he asked, his voice cautious. "Starting with a fully-fledged machine might be a big investment."

Namjoon, ever the strategist, nodded in understanding. "You're right, hyung. We need to be smart about this. Let's start small. Maybe a single vending machine, filled with a curated selection of healthy options like pre-cut fruits and vegetables, nuts, and protein bars. We can gauge the response from our members before expanding."

Seokjin liked the sound of that. He could source fresh produce from the local farmer's market, ensuring quality and supporting the community. He could even experiment with homemade trail mix and snack bars, adding a unique touch to their offerings.

"And remember," Namjoon continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "we can leverage social media to promote the machine. Engaging posts, influencer partnerships, even fun contests to encourage healthy eating habits. With the right marketing, we can make this a success."

Seokjin's eyes lit up with excitement. The idea, once daunting, now seemed achievable, a stepping stone towards his bigger dream. He and Namjoon spent the next few hours mapping out their plan—securing a suitable vending machine, sourcing fresh produce, and crafting a social media strategy.

"I proved to him that I can work this out."


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