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Yes, I felt generous and did 2 updates😭


March 3


"I swear it feels like forever since you sat in this chair girl" Kenya said to me as she curled the layers that she just cut into my newly installed wig.

I wanted to try something different this time so I went for the chocolate brown, blonde and black color mix with some layered curls.

"It do feel like a long time.. I miss having my wigs so Im definitely back now"

"As you should. You should let me try some more tape-ins on your hair next time"

"I might try that next time... Ima need something I can be real versatile with. Im trying this wig only because my baby's awards ceremony is tonight and I gotta go in there looking like the bad bitch I am"

"You tryina have Dre in there fighting people's daddies"

"Off the facecard alone cause im not wearing nothing crazy. Im not tryina embarrass my girl at the school... I had to send reminder messages to her aunt and uncles earlier today to remind them too"

"You probably just wasted your time cause you know they don't care." She laughed "Why you didn't bring the baby with you?"

"Girl this is my break away from him. Let him enjoy spending time with his daddy since he obviously love him so much"

"Aweee. Gio's a daddy's boy"

"I feel like he was so close to being a momma's boy for a second, but then things changed"

"Probably cause Dre's the soft parent. I realized you a little more strict, meanwhile Dre's the one that cant seem to say no"

"I can be fun a lot of times"

"Yeah, but would you buy your one year old full adult meals and sit with him watching boondocks?"

"Dre just be taking the easy way out of doing stuff sometimes"

"Yeah... but them kids love it"

"I realize that. But it's cool cause I feel like im Gigi's favorite"

"I wouldn't doubt it. I can tell yall close and she loves you real bad"

"And do" I replied, checking my phone seeing an email I received about my business

I smiled, reading it "Uh Oh.. Your girl back in business and three people reached out to me so far about doing events"

"I know that's right. Im proud of you"

"Thank You.. Im glad I got into event planning because I actually do love it. I didn't realize how much I loved it until I stopped to prep for my wedding"

"Sometimes you gotta miss things to realize how much you love it so I believe you... But what I do hope is that you upping your prices cause you've gotten real good at what you do. Plus before you stopped, you was starting to get a nice clientele of people with big money"

"Yeah, the girl I did a birthday party for last year... and her babydaddy hired me for the day after her party... she was one of the ones to hit me up for her daughter's party this year"

"Wait, her babydaddy hired you for the day after?"

I nodded "for a party for their daughter. He was just tryina show her up for some odd reason"

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