What if Katniss Didn't Volunteer: Catching Fire

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***************************************************Author's Note**************************************************
This is the SECOND one. The first won I wrote a while ago but please read that one before this one! :D What if Katniss Didn't Voluntter? What would have happened to Prim and Peeta in the Games? Read the first one and then come back to this one :) This is my first fan fiction ever and I hope you like it! I will update frequently!

“Mom, where is Katniss?” I ask my mother as we are loading a Capitol truck full of our things. I’ve only been home for about 2 weeks and we are already moving into our new house at Victors Village. I’m a little shocked about how excited I am to move. I love my old home. It has a lot of problems with it, but I have a lot of memories here. That’s okay because we still get to keep it. You see, because I was the Victor, the house in Victors Village is actually mine. If I die, Katniss and my mother would have to move back to this house. But I have enough money that we should be able to get it fixed up. I turn to my mother looking for the answer to my question.                                                                                       
“Well, Prim. We need to talk. Let’s take a break and sit down.” We put whatever we had in our hands in the truck and take a seat.                                                 
“Prim, Katniss and Peeta went into the woods this morning. It’s the first time she has gone in there since you got back and she took Peeta. But they are meeting someone in there. You know who that is right?” She asks me. I nod because there is only one other person we know that will go into the woods. That’s Gale.      
“Mom, do you think he is still mad or do you think he has calmed down. I mean, he has weapons in there. What if he tries to… well, you know. Kill Peeta?” I ask her. She doesn’t look worried so maybe I shouldn’t be either.                                            
“I don’t think so Prim. He can see how happy Katniss is around Peeta and how happy you and I are around him. He is a great example of what a young man should be. I don’t think Gale is that selfish to hurt us like that.” She tells me.                         
I nod my head. Not because I agree, but so that she doesn’t think I’m still worried. I just think it’s a little dangerous. I still love Gale like he is my very own brother, but I can’t decide if he would want Peeta out the picture that bad to arrange an accident or something. Something that would kill Peeta, but in the end make himself look like a hero. Set his house on fire or saw off a tree branch. Make it look like he tries to help Peeta survive, but doesn’t. Make him look like the bigger person when he is actually very low. I don’t think he would do that, but who knows? These Games have changed everyone.                                                        
“Let’s keep working.” I tell my mother and we stand up. We move everything with the help of some peacekeepers and some friends. My friend Rosemary and her family came. Then Hazel and Rory came. The other two are at home because it’s too hot for them. We keep working. Shortly taking breaks for water and to rest. It’s amazing how many things we have in our little house. We are just finishing a break when Rory comes over to my mother and me.                                             
 “Hello Mrs. Everdeen.” He says to my mother and he smiles at me.
“Hello Rory, what can we do for you?” My mother asks.                                                             
 “Well, Prim has been home for two weeks and I just wanted to talk to her.” He says. My mothers nods and walks over in another direction. This is odd.                
“Hey Rory.” I say to him.                                                                                                            
“Hey Prim.”He says back. Okay, now it’s just awkward. We stand there for a minute until I break the silence.
 “Thank you, for coming to help. It means a lot.” I say to him.    He smiles at me and says, “Any time.”                                                                                                
 I never noticed before but he is very attractive. He has his brothers grey seam eyes, but that’s about it. His hair is dark, but not black. It’s cut short like Gale’s hair. He doesn’t have the pale skin. He has a light tan. He isn’t built like Gale, but he does have some muscles. I never really noticed him before. We talked when Katniss and Gale would bring him over with the game they caught that day, but we never actually got to know each other. Surprising really.  
“Prim, I was so scared when you got picked. I thought when I saw the other tributes that you wouldn’t make it. They all looked so big and strong. You are so small and breakable. But when I saw you with that bow, my heart stopped. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on my screen. I had hope arise in me that you might just make it back. But then you pulled out those berries and I thought it was all over. Then I heard Claudius Templesmith declare you both winners. I was screaming with joy that my friend was coming back. And well, I just want to make sure I get the chance to do this. I should have before the Reaping. Or should have come seen you to say goodbye and do it then.” He says to me.                                          
 I’m confused though. Nothing he says is making any sense.   “Do what Rory?” I ask him.   
  He looks at me and says, “Something I should have done when I first met you.”  It’s so unexpected. He leans in and kisses me right on the mouth. I’m so shocked that I pull away and just look at him. I have thought of Rory as more than a friend, but I didn’t think he thought the same of me.                                                                          
“I’m sorry.” He says to me. No, I liked the kiss. It just startled me. But it wasn’t long enough. I fill the space between us and kiss him. He kisses me back eagerly. He puts his arms around me and I do the same. I know we are too young to be kissing like this, but it feels like we are a millions years old and have kissed a million times. We stay there, warm feelings move throughout my body and he doesn’t let go. This must have been how Peeta felt when Katniss finally kissed him. We only break apart when we hear someone coming from around the side of the truck. We act like we have been talking the whole time, not looking at whoever it is.                                                        
“Prim, are you back here?” It’s a man’s voice, but not one I recognize.        
“Yes.” I say. The man shows himself. He is dressed in a nice suit and is fat. He has white hair and a white beard. His eyes seem harmless to someone who was not just in the Hunger Games, but are fierce to me. He has a white rose pinned onto his shirt. I look at his face again and now I do recognize him. It’s President Snow.

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