Chapter 19

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My mother can’t find out, though I already have a baby bump. It’s been 4 months since I found out and I sit next to Peeta on the couch. His arm around me and my head in his shoulder. My mother will be home tonight and they will be announcing the Quarter Quell. My mother has been in District 7 for the past two months. When Rory got better is when she left. So it’s been about 6 months since the Hunger Games and they were announcing the tonight what is “special” about these Games. Prim will also have to mentor the girl tribute this year. I don’t think she can handle it. She says she can, but once she starts getting to know the tribute, it just won’t work. I worry for her, but I know Peeta will be with her and he will take care of her.
“Hey Peeta.” I say softly.
“Yeah Katniss?” He says back.
“You know how much I love you right?” I say.
“Well, you agreed to marry me and you are having my baby. Even though you never wanted either, so I would guess a lot.” He says. I smile.
“So, do you love me?” I ask him.
“Katniss, did you hit your head or something? Because that is a ridiculous question to ask me! Of course, since we were 5!” He exclaims.
“Enough to make me cheese buns?” I ask him. He starts laughing.
“I thought you were seriously asking me if I loved you Katniss! Of course I love you enough to make you cheese buns.” He says getting up.
“Wait!” I say grabbing his arm and pulling him down for a long kiss. I like this kiss. It feels all warm and stuff. Like the very first kiss I had with him when he got home. He pulls away to fast though. He sees my expression and leans back in. Then my stomach growls and he pulls away again.
“I’ll get those ready for you my dear.” He says walking into the kitchen. Prim, who was sitting on the floor, comes over and takes Peeta’s spot.
“What’s up little duck?” I say to her. She giggles.
“Well Katniss, I was wondering if you wanted to find out if it was going to be a boy or a girl.” She asks me.
“You can check that?” I ask in disbelief. Being in district 12 I didn’t think we had the things to do that. Apparently we do.
“Sure, do you want to?” She asks.
“Let me talk to Peeta and if he wants to, we will after we tell mom.” I tell her and kiss her forehead. She giggles again. I love this little girl so much. We sit there and talk; something we haven’t done for a long time. We talk about everything. She asks me about school this year, and I tell her I’m not going. I want to stay home.
“I don’t think Peeta is going either. We are dropping out to raise the baby properly. I will probably move into his house after we get married though. But I will be here all the time for you Prim, I will never leave.” I let her know so she doesn’t worry. She used to worry about me all the time. Then Peeta walks in and Prim gets up.
“Prim, sit back down. I have to go into the kitchen again anyway.” He tells her and she jumps back up on the couch. He comes over and whispers into my ear.
“Katniss, your mother is home.” He tells me. I’m scared.
“Prim, hand me that blanket please” I tell her and she does. May as well cover it up until I actually have to tell her. I hear the door open and two people walk in. I hope it isn’t Gale too, because I haven’t told him. My mother walks around the corner and so does Rory. That can be equally as bad.
“Something smells good. Are you baking again Peeta?” My mother asks. He smiles and nods.
“Katniss wanted cheese buns. I doubt she eats all 12, so I’m sure she will let you guys have some too.” He says and I can’t help but smile. Rory walks over to Prim and helps her up. Even though it’s been months since the accident, she still worries about him.
“Rory, let me see.” She says and he lifts his shirt to reveal an ugly looking scar. He is alright though. Prim nods. Then, out of nowhere, I feel sick. I don’t want my mother to find out this way, but she might. I throw the blanket off of me and run to the restroom just in time to throw up. I hear someone come in and hold my hair back. Peeta. And he brought the blanket.
“Katniss, are you okay?” He asks. He’s always worried about me.
“Yeah, just the baby.” I say.
“I think we need to tell your mother now.” He says. I nod in agreement. He hands me the blanket and I wrap myself up in it so it’s not noticeable I have a bump. We walk out of the restroom and back to the living room.
“Katniss, are you sick” My mother asks me.
“No, I’m fine. I um, do need to tell you something though.” I say. She looks at me funny but nods. Peeta takes the blanket and even though everyone can see the bump through my shirt, I lift it just to make sure. My mother gasps.
“Katniss, you’re not… No, you can’t be. You’re too young Katniss what were you thinking? How, when, when did you find out?” She is hesitating a lot, but she isn’t furious. She’s just shocked.
“About the time you went back to Seven and Rory was almost completely better.” I tell her. Now she looks mad.
“Peeta, go home. You can see your baby when it’s born, but you cannot see my daughter anymore.” She says bitterly.
“Mrs. Everdeen hold on. Let’s talk about-” He starts to say but my mother cuts him off.
“No! Get out of this house right now and don’t come back!” She yells at him. No, what is she doing? No! I look at Peeta and he puts his arms around me.
“I’m so sorry Katniss. This is my fault.” He whispers in my ear and I’m crying now.
“Peeta please, don’t go Peeta.” I say back. He releases me and looks at me with tears of his own.
“I love you Katniss. But I respect your mother and will do as she asks.” He says. He always wants to talk things out, but not this time.
“Peeta.” I say softly and he brushes the tears of off my face. He gives me a kiss and turns for the door. When I hear it shut, I turn to my mother.
“Why did you do that!? Why would you do that to him!? Why would you do that to me, your own daughter!?” I scream at her. Before she can answer, I run up to my room. I close the door and cry on my bed. She doesn’t understand how much I really love him or how important it is that I’m with him all the time. Especially if there are cameras around. I hear a knock at my door and Prim walks in. She comes over and hugs me.
“Katniss, come on. They are about to announce the Quarter Quell. I don’t know if I can handle it without you. Please.” She says to me. I can’t be selfish though, so I lift my head out of my pillows. I grab her hand and walk downstairs even though I don’t want to. Not with her down there. I do it for Prim though.

What if Katniss Didn't Volunteer: Catching Fire (completed)Where stories live. Discover now