Chapter 5

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“Prim, can you hand me that lamp. It’s the last thing and we can go inside.” Katniss says to me.
I look over and see she is right. It’s the last thing we need to unload before we can go into our new house and finally relax. We could have had it done if I didn’t leave, but I did. The conversation keeps playing through my mind. How can the districts really rebel just because we got home to Katniss? It just doesn’t seem right. Katniss has to be the center of everything. She has to be either with me or Peeta. Peeta is actually moving in now right next door. Katniss will like him being that close and I will too. I hand Katniss the lamp and she asks,
“Prim, what was that conversation about?” I know I can’t tell her. It will only worry her. But if she knows, maybe she can help us.
“I’ll um… I’ll tell you later. What time is it?” I ask. She eyes my suspiciously but eventually looks at the sky. She doesn’t use clocks to tell time, just looks where the sun is.
“About 5:30. Mom is cooking dinner and Peeta is bringing over a cake. He should be here anytime now.” She says looking over to the direction where the Mellark’s are unloading. Just then, Peeta walks over.
“Hey Prim. I brought you something.” He says and hands me one of those tiny pies they have at the bakery. We could never afford them. It looks yummy. It has a slight opening around the golden brown crust with apple’s coming out of the top. It’s sprinkled with cinnamon. I take a bite.
“Peeta, this is amazing!” I tell him. “Katniss, try it.” I hand it to her and she does.
“That is really good Peeta. Did you make it?” She asks him. He just nods.
“I brought something for you too beautiful.” He says to Katniss and reveals a small white paper bag. She opens in and smiles.
“You spoil me Peeta Mellark! You know it? Ever since you got back you have brought me one of these every day.” She says still grinning. She pulls out a cheese bun and breaks off half for me. She smiles. He kisses her on the cheek and we walk inside. Just as we enter, my mother calls out, “Dinner is ready!”
We all walk over and sit at the table. My mother brings out everything she has been cooking for the past hour. Meat, vegetables, fruit, dinner rolls, and a pie for dessert. Peeta sets the cake on the table next to the pie. We all load our plates and there is a knock at the door. I stand up. Who could that be? I open the door.
“Hey Prim!” Says Rory and he kisses me really fast. Oh yeah, I forgot I invited him over. Hopefully Katniss won’t be upset.
“Hey Rory.” I say with a smile. I look behind me and notice that a wall blocks my view from everyone else. I lean over and kiss him. “I almost forgot you were coming” I admit. I wonder if he knows what went on today.
“Well, I can’t stay long. Gale will be furious if he knows I’m over here. I just wanted to finish… ‘Talking.’” He says with a smile. So he does know.
“Hey mom! I’ll be back inside in a few minutes. Rory is here and wants to talk!” I holler. I don’t wait for an answer before closing the door. Off to the side of the new house is a little sitting space. We go over there and sit on a swing made for two. We don’t really say anything, we just sit. I know if my father was still alive, him and Katniss would sit out here all the time and talk. Talk all through the night about everything. I look to Rory and find him already looking at me.
“What happened with the President?” He asks me. I should have known he would ask about why we were interrupted today.
“Well, um…” I stutter. I’m not sure if I should tell him. But what harm can it do?
“Well, apparently Peeta and I kind of, rebelled. When we pulled out the berries and we both won. That sparked something in the districts. Now we have to make things better. Or try.” I blurt out. I’m not even sure if it’s really me talking because the words come out without my control. He stares at me.
“How?” He whispers.
“We have to make Katniss the center of everything. She is the main person here. She is the focus of Peeta and me. The Victory Tour will be a great opportunity to show everyone we weren’t rebelling, because we weren’t. To show the districts that we just wanted to get back to her.” I tell him. He looks relieved. I can sense he feels we can pull that off. It makes me feel better too.
“Is that all?” He asks.
“Yes. Wait, no. He got a picture of us kissing and is putting it on as many magazines as he can. I’m sorry.” I tell him. He just smiles.
“Doesn’t bother me any. Does it bother you?” He asks me.
I smile. “Not now that I know your fine with it.” I say.
“Prim, I just can’t figure you out.” He says. I laugh and he smiles. “Now let’s finish our talk from earlier.” He leans toward me and I lean toward him. Our lips have touched for only a second when we hear the sound of footsteps.

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