Chapter 13

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***Katniss’s POV***

            Prim just went to bed, that poor tired thing. She must be exhausted from the past 2 weeks. Peeta and I sit in the kitchen still holding hands. He is perfect for me. He is so sweet and caring and he looks out for Prim. My mother was sent to the hospital in district 7. I don’t know why they allowed it, but they did. Apparently they needed a lot of help and they went to the Districts to find some. She was the first one to volunteer. She will be gone for about another week or so, and I have to watch Prim. It shouldn’t be hard though. And Peeta agreed to stay with us, even though he would have stayed with me anyway. I look down and I see I still have his hand. I let go of it and get some juice from the fridge.
“Are you thirsty Peeta?” I ask him.
“No, but apparently you are.” He says smiling. I laugh a little.
“Yes, apparently I am. Are you tired?” I ask him.
“A little. Are you ready for bed?” He asks me. I nod. I’m about to head for the stairs when he grabs my hand.
“Do you think Prim will mind if we stay at my house tonight?” He asks me. That’s unusual of him, but I don’t think Prim would care.
“Just let me leave her a note.” I say. I grab some paper and a pen. I write her a note saying I’m staying at Peeta’s house tonight and if she needs me, just call. I walk upstairs and place it on her night stand. I lean down and kiss her cheek. She looks so peaceful sleeping. The Games haven’t gotten to her like I thought they would. I’m forever grateful for that. I walk downstairs and see Peeta. I go to him and he tries to give me a kiss, but I decide to mess with him. I turn my head with a smile on my face.
“No kiss for Peeta?” He asks in a honey sweet voice.
“No kiss for Peeta.” I repeat still smiling.
“What if I steal one?” He asks.
“I wouldn’t advise it Mr. Mellark.” I say and he starts walking toward me. I back up a few steps until he speaks.
“I would.” He says, moving closer.
“I wouldn’t.” I say moving back.
“Would.” Closer.
“Wouldn’t” back.
“Would.” Closer. I feel my back hit the wall and Peeta pins me to the wall. His lips are moving toward mine. Just inches away and he says.
“Well, looks like I have a prisoner. Now, what to do with you.” He’s smiling evilly.
“Nothing. You do nothing with me.” I say giggling.
“No, your mine, and I get to do something with you.” He says. He grabs my hands and starts kissing them. He slowly moves up my arm and on my neck. He stops there and says.
“I don’t think this is counted as cruel or unusual punishment. Considering you are enjoy it right?” He asks. I shake my head.
“Am not.” I say, though I’m smiling.
“Are too.” He says. He presses his lips against mine and he holds me there. I feel myself leaning back, but getting stopped by the wall. So I lean forward and move Peeta back toward the kitchen. He doesn’t object. When we get to the table, he flips me over and I lean against it. He never loses contact with me. He puts his hands on the table and leans toward me more, until we hear a crack. Then, the table underneath us broke right down the middle and we both fell. Peeta landed on me and I yelped in pain as he hit my leg. I would be fine, it just hurt.
“I’m so sorry Katniss, are you okay?” He asks worried.
“I’m fine, are you okay?” I ask. He nods. “You know, that’s abuse to a prisoner. You could be arrested for that.” I say. I kiss him one more time before he helps me stand up. Then, he gets serious.
“Katniss, do you think your mother saw the proposal?” He asks me.
“If she did, she probably won’t agree with me getting married so young. I won’t listen to her though.” I tell him. He smiles. He takes my hand and leads me toward the door. We walk out into the cold air and Peeta puts his jacket around me. We walk to his house and of course it’s empty. His family stays in the upstairs of the bakery. I was shocked Peeta didn’t want them living here, but apparently none of them thought he would make it back. No one went to say good bye to him when he left for the tour. We walk inside and up the stairs. We go into his bedroom and he does something unexpected. He turns around and shuts his bedroom door.
“Peeta, what are you doing?” I ask him. We don’t need privacy because no one else is here but us. He just shrugs and walks over to me and we sit on his bed. We don't talk and it kind of gets awkward. I start to lie down to go to bed, and he stops me; putting his lips to mine. Not his normal kisses, these have some force to it. Some eagerness. Before I know it, I’m pushed back onto his bed and he is still kissing me. The kissing gets more intense and I’m actually enjoying it. I’m so caught up in the moment; I don’t realize what is happening until I’m trying to take off his shirt.
“Peeta stop.” He stops kissing me and looks confused.
“Why? What’s wrong?” He asks. I take a deep breath.
“I’m already breaking my rule by marrying you; I don’t want to break my other one.” I tell him.
“What’s that?” He asks me, backing off and sitting on the edge of his bed.
“I don’t want to have kids and make them grow up in our sick world. Not one full of Hunger Games and misery. I don’t want them to have to grow up in a world where they will always be afraid.” I tell him.
“Katniss, what are the chances of our kids getting picked for the Hunger Games?” He says to me.
“What were the chances of Prim getting picked? Her name was in there once. And your name was only in there 5 times and you got picked.” I say.
“Katniss, you don’t need to be afraid. Even if we do have kids, nothing bad will happen to them. I won’t let anything happen. We don’t have to worry honey.” He tells me.
“Peeta Mellark, you can make anyone, including me, believe anything you have to say.” I tell him smiling. I lean up to kiss him and he kisses me back. We fall onto his bed and I’m able to get his shirt off. The rest of the night is a blur.
No one is allowed to think I'm some sicko!!! >:O If you decide to keep reading, you will later find out (Not only in this book but the next) Why this chapter is of most importance! And you all have to admit that it's not as bad as what some fan fictions can be like! Just keep reading!

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