Chapter 26

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Rory leaves with Amanda and Cinna gets me ready for the parade. I sigh when Rory leaves, but it’s a sad sigh. Cinna notices.
“Are you alright Prim?” He asks.
“Well, going back into the arena with my boyfriend, knowing only one of us is leaving this time can hit you pretty hard when reality comes around.” I say, looking at the ground.
“Prim, why were you crying when you saw Jacob?” Cinna asks me trying to change the topic, but only making it worse.
“I just realized; I’m not going to see my niece at that age because I don’t plan on coming home. I plan on Rory coming home. And seeing Jacob just, made me happy and sad at the same time.” I say still looking at the ground. Cinna comes over and sits down next to me.
“Prim, you know Rory wants you to go home right? I think it should be you to go home. I don’t want to see anything happen to Rory, but you could do so much to ignite the Districts.” He says quietly so that the cameras can’t hear him. I’m mad now, but I won’t let it show.
“Cinna I can’t do that. It’s my fault and-” I start to say but he cuts me off.
“I have heard you say that a million times Prim but it’s not your fault! Stop blaming yourself for something out of your control.” He says.
“But if I had just died last year, this wouldn’t have happened.” I say. Then, there is a knock at the door and I know the countdown to the parade is starting. I stand up and Cinna makes me look at him.
“You are going to be more than a girl in a nurse outfit this year Prim. Much more than that.” And he smiles. I can’t help smile back and he gives me my outfit. I go into another room to change and I walk back out. I didn’t pay attention before, but I look a little crazy. I am in all black, which is weird considering how many flowery dresses I have worn lately, and my arms look almost like wings. The leather is like feathers. It’s weird and I don’t understand his intensions. I look at him confused and he looks at me like he was expecting my confusion. He smiles a little and then says, “Prim, your bracelet. It has been very popular lately. In the Capitol and in the Districts. I think they all like the little bird. A mockingjay.” I look at my bracelet and smile.
“Thank you Cinna.” I say. He opens the door and we walk out down a long hallway. We come to the end and he opens that door as well. I see the open space and all the chariots. I see a lot of the tributes already standing and ready to go.
“You hair needs brushed out, but that’s all.” Cinna says. He pulls out a brush and goes through my hair. Then I feel something put on top of my head.
“It’s your crown.” Cinna says. Rory walks over and I see him dressed in all black, but nothing exciting. There has to be something else. Rory won’t get a crown because he wasn’t a Victor. I like his hair spiked the way it is though. I walk to him and give him a kiss. Not a long one, but long enough so he knows I’m not extremely mad at him anymore. Someone takes a picture- of course- and I notice the first chariot start to pull away. Rory steps on ours and he helps me up. I don’t let go of his hand either. Someone walks up behind me and I feel the heat. I turn around to see Amanda standing there with what looks like a torch, and I see my back on fire. I panic almost right away, but Rory calms me.
“It’s all fake. We are completely safe Prim. But this, it will make us unforgettable.” He says. I can’t think of what to say so I just nod. Our chariot starts to pull away and I could see the opening again. Instant flashback.

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