Chapter 14

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***Prim’s POV again***           
            I wake up to loud knocks on the door. I don’t want to get out of bed, but whoever it is seems to be knocking until the door is opened. I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I open the door to Rory and Gale. I’m shocked.
“Where is Katniss? I need to talk to her.” Gale says at once.
“I think her and Peeta are upstairs. Let me check.” I say and go upstairs. The only thing I find is an empty bedroom. Huh? Where did they go? I go to my room and that’s when I see the note. I call the number on it right away. It rings twice.
“Hello?” Katniss answers the phone.
“Katniss? This is Prim.” I say.
“Good morning Prim! How did you sleep?” She asks me.
“I slept fine. Um, Gale is over here, he wants to talk to you.” I tell her.
“Oh, well, we will be over in just a minute. Tell him we were at the bakery though would you?” She asks me.
“Sure. See you in a few minutes.” I say and hang up. I walk back downstairs and they are still in the doorway. I let them in.
“Katniss and Peeta went to the bakery but they are on their way home.” I tell them. “You can sit down if you want to.” I say. Gale takes a chair and Rory sits on the couch. He sits on the far left side and I sit down on the far right side. Gale sighs.
“Prim, you can sit next to Rory. I don’t mind anymore.” He says. I get excited and move over to the middle the same time Rory does. We bump into each other and laugh. Gale shakes his head. I grab Rory’s hand and look at him. He seems happy. He kisses my cheek and I smile. Then, Katniss and Peeta walk in.
“Good morning Gale.” She says sitting on the love seat with Peeta.
“Good morning Catnip.” He says. That’s his nickname for her. They stay silent after that until Peeta says something.
“Prim, Rory, do you want to go to the bakery and get some cookies?” He asks us. I’m in for it and one look on Rory’s face says he is too.
“Sure.” I say. We all stand up.
“Why don’t you go outside and wait for me. I will only be a minute.” He tells us and we go outside into the crisp cool morning air. I hold on to Rory’s hand like I may never see him again.
“Why is Gale suddenly okay with us?” I ask him.
“I talked to him last night. He agreed he wasn’t being fair and told me that I could come with him today to see you. And any time after that.” He tells me.
“Wow, I’m just… I can’t explain how… happy I am.” I tell him smiling. He leans down and kisses me. It’s one of those meaningful kisses. One that I don’t want to break away from. And Rory doesn’t seem to want to either. We stay like that until we hear the door open and Peeta comes out. We act like it never happened, but I’m pretty sure he saw us.
“Are you ready guys?” He asks us. We nod. We walk through Victors Village and to the town square. We go to the bakery and walk in. Only Peeta’s father is there and I’m relieved. I don’t actually hate anyone, but Peeta’s mom scares me. I look around for her to make sure she isn’t here, and Peeta sees me.
“Who are you looking for Prim?” He asks me.
“Uh… No one.” I say. He smiles.
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t bring you here if she was.” He says and smiles. I feel much better. Peeta lets us go behind the counter to the cookies.
“Do you want to decorate some?” He asks. We both shake our heads. He gets out packets of icing of different colors. As we are icing the cookies, my eyes glance to the window. Just like when I was younger, I admire the cakes Peeta has made. The one I’m looking at now looks like the sun setting. It’s a muted orange and it looks like clouds coming from the sides. It’s beautiful. Peeta comes up behind me.
“I didn’t decorate this one. My brother did.” He says.
“Either way, it looks beautiful. Here” I say and pull out a coin from my pocket. This coin is worth 5 dollars and the cake is only 4. He shakes his head.
“No Prim, you can take it. Won’t cost you anything.” He says. There is no way. I have more money than I know what to do with and his family needs it.
“No. Just because I’m Katniss’s sister doesn’t mean I want any special treatment Peeta.” I say to him.
“Prim, if you give me money now I’m just going to give it back to Katniss.” He says. I sigh and he smiles. He bags up the cake, but just before we leave, I slip the coin to his dad. Mr. Mellark just winks at me.

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