{Chapter 1}

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Disclaimer: Even though I have Nina Dobrev as the base of my character, that does not mean she looks exactly like her. I just picture her with some similar facial structures. 

Waking up on time is not my thing. Not in high school, so definitely not in college. Especially living in Seattle, Washington where it feels like it rains 97.7 percent of the time. Staying in my bed wrapped in my fuzzy blankets was more of my thing, while eating some type of Chinese takeout watching television when I wasn't studying like crazy.

My phone buzzed again telling me to seriously get out of bed this time, after I chose to ignore it the first few times. I picked it up and shut the alarm off and closed my eyes for a few more seconds before I finally rolled out of warmth into the cold air of my apartment, since I had forgot to turn my heat up before I finally went to bed.

I had a bad habit of forgetting to turn the heater on at night and waking up near death from hypothermia.

I moaned as I dragged my sock covered feet over to my computer desk to turn my Spotify playlist on.

Deciding to go into pre -med straight out of high-school thrilled my parents so much they agreed to let me stay in an apartment rather than the on campus dorms, which I was over thrilled about since I had heard so many dorm related horror stories. Although the privacy was amazing, I often found myself feeling slightly lonely.

When you have two parents who are both surgeons they want someone to hand the legacy down to and it wasn't going to be my older sister ,Ellie,who decided to get into acting and modeling, which is actually working out in her case because she is overly stunning. Her career was skyrocketing as of late and she was always on the road meeting with large companies. My dad of course nearly had a heart attack when he realized she was serious about this career choice, and I had no guts to stand up to him that way.

I continued to set my Spotify playlist to Today's Top Hits on my desktop, before grabbing my towel and turning up the shower water in attempt to heat up the below zero bathroom.

Can't feel my face by The Weekend played in the background while it heated and I mumbled the words, attempting to energize myself and swaying my hips slightly in the mirror making myself feel a little more confident about the day.

The shower lasted longer than I anticipated but it was worth it. The hot water cleansed my body and warmed up my frozen bones, letting me feel better prepared for my day up ahead. I also threw in shaving my legs and deep conditioning because those are two things I was in much need of, and I was a sucker for some self care moves.

Getting out was another task and I was super careful to not slip as I made my way back to my closet, because as sad as it is, I have done it many times.

I slipped on my thick black yoga pants and a light pink long sleeve in attempt to be comfortable but still kind of cute.

Wrapping my hair In a towel to avoid my curls dripping all over my clothes,  I made my way to the small kitchen and turned my stove oven on to warm up some pizza I've basically been living off for a week since I've been studying my ass off.

Being a pre med student is the single most hardest thing a person can do in life. It was more than hard, it was was impossible. I've probably actually got more hours being awake than I do asleep, due to the fact I often pull all nighters.

The work was demanding and difficult and it made you want to cry out in frustration but there was something about the challenge that made it feel amazing when you get a paper or test back and see a big fat A written on top.

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