{chapter 6}

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"Ok what would you two like?" A waiter came around after dropping off my coffee and Phoenix's water.

"I'll have a stack of blueberry pancakes, and a side of sausage." I smiled up at him and handed him my menu.

The waiter turned his attention to Phoenix. "I'll have the same."

I played with my dead phone in my hands for a while before the silence became too awkward for me. He obviously wasn't the type to start conversations.

"How old are you anyways? I mean your a cop and all but you don't look much older than me." I asked him casually.

Phoenix had amazing eyes that's for sure. They were a certain shade of green that made you kind of want to know who had them, his mother or father? He had a strong jaw line with short light brown, or dirty blonde hair. He was somewhere in the six feet category and his body build was your average young cop/fire fighter.

He tapped his fingers against the table and it almost seemed he was wondering weather to answer or not.

"I'm 22." He finally answered.

"Any family?" I prompted him to tell more.

He shrugged and sipped his water. "I have a brother. He just turned 7. You?" He asked.

"I have a sister who's 24. She recently walked the New York Fashion show." I informed him like the proud sister I am.

What shocked me is how he bursted out laughing. "Let me guess, you aspire to be a model too?" He laughed some more making me scowl.

I crossed my arms over my chest and say up straighter. "No. You jerk. I'm pre-med. One day I'll be a surgeon and conveniently not help you."

His laughing, which was kinda adorable to see him show some type of emotion, died down into a chuckle.

He raised his hands in defeat. "I was joking. You could probably be a model if you grew some. And stopped spending your time at wild night clubs."

I sighed but couldn't help and roll my eyes playfully at him.

Our food came and my stomach growled at the delicious aroma of the pancakes.

I cut my pancakes precisely into triangles and drenched them in syrup and powdered sugar before hungrily taking a delicious bite. I couldn't help the moan that slipped out and Phoenix chuckled again making me do the same.

I continued eating but looked up to see him with a smirk on his face doing that staring thing he did when I seen him at the Café.

I self-consciously wiped around my mouth and patted down my hair.

"What do I have something on my face?" I questioned and Phoenix shook his head no. "Then what?" I demanded.

"It's just that," he began "your different." He finished ,making me raise my eyebrows wanting a further explanation but he didn't offer one.

He simply dug into his stack of pancakes leaving me both curious and confused.

I couldn't help but be curious about who he was. A little part of me remembered that he had a bad attitude and basically caused me to have a terrible week and steer clear, but a larger part wanted me to get to know who he was and why he was arrogant, why he was a cop and smaller things like what his favorite color was.

The doctor in me was always curious though.

Phoenix and I ate in silence and all of the people started filing out, being there long before us.

The wind howled outside  and I instantly wrapped the large jacket I was wearing tighter around me and I remembered it wasn't even mine.

When the wind became impossible to ignore Phoenix and I decided it was time for him to take me home.

"Thank you , I guess for taking me home and buying me something to eat." I told him once we reached the front of my apartment after a nice and comfortable car ride. I started to take his police jacket off and give it back to him before he stopped me.

"It's freezing outside. Wha kind of man would I be if I didn't let a lady wear my jacket up and I didn't walk her?" He joked , taking on an exaggerated voice.

"Maybe a decent one." I told him trying to out rude him, but instead he laughed at my attempt.

I greeted the doorman and he gave me a suspicious look , probably wondering why I'm wearing a mans clothes and an officer is taking me to my apartment.

"Wow, pretty nice place for a med student ." He commented and I bit my lip.

I hate having to explain that my parents are surgeons and the only way they payed my rent here is if I maintained great grades, great social standards and chose pre med and the whole shebang.

Once I let Phoenix know the short version he laughed at me once again. It's like my existence was some sort of private joke to him.

"So, daughter of two surgeons , sister of a super model, can I get her number by the way, you have pretty big shoes to fill." He commented.

I ignored the part where he asked for my sisters number , and agreed. "That I do." I replied.

We made it to my apartment and I turned to face him once I unlocked my door.

"So this is it, I guess. Thanks, for arresting me and getting me some cheap pancakes." I sarcastically told him.

"Whatever. Go to bed and I don't want to see your irresponsible ass wandering streets wasted anymore." He retorted.

"I was not wasted." I told him for the billionth time. "Simply a little bit tipsy"

I gave him one last half smile before closing the door behind myself softly.

I let out the biggest sigh possible when I was alone in my apartment. It felt so good to be home surrounded by familiarity and warmth. I quickly ran to plug in my dead phone so I could immediately text Minnie as she would not believe the events that just took place.

I took my time heading to my bathroom and turned the water on extra hot to help warm up the cold tile bathroom, since the heater was taking a while to kick on.

The only thing on my mind was scrubbing the hairspray out of my hair and using my lavender body wash under a steaming water then slipping on one of my many large T-shirts.

I was only seconds away from finally being able to slip my dress off when I heard some knocks on my door.

Thinking it was probably a neighbor offering some brownies or asking me to babysit as they often do , I left the shower running but walked out to my main area and took a peak through the peephole , only to see Phoenix. He probably wanted to his jacket back so I quickly opened the door, while grabbing it off the hook it was hanging on.

"Ok look." He started quickly. "Your really talkative. Like really talkative. I have this thing for police officers next weekend everyone usually brings a guest. And since you have no problem striking up conversations with people wanna go?" He blurted out.

My mouth was already open about to ask a million questions but for some reason all that came out was "Ok." My eyebrows were furrowed at my own response and my stomach had little flutters of excitement that I couldn't exactly explain.

"Good pick you up next Saturday at six." He responded before swiftly turing around leaving once again, rubbing the back of his neck.

Very slowly I shut the door, after I seen him disappear down the stairs.

What the hell just happened today.

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