{chapter 5}

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I woke up with a jolt causing my head to severely rush.

I looked around quickly realizing I wasn't in my bed , or anywhere familiar for that matter and started panicking automatically.

I was in some type of box shaped room. Rubbing my eyes , I stood up and pulled my dress down trying to get ahold of what was going on.

My heels were off and no where to be found making me feel dirty and extra confused.

I looked around some more and realized this box I was in was more like a cell and then it hit me. I was in a holding cell.

I may have never been in one before, but I've watched way enough tv , and picked my sister up from a few to know exactly where I was.

What the hell did I do last night.

My ears and face heated up in fear as I began knocking on one small window. "Hello?" I asked and continued to knock.

I began to freak out even more when no one came, and I realized I had one of those jail shirts wrapped around my shoulders.

I let out a little scream and tossed it off my shoulders and I caught myself in the reflection. My hair was pulled into a sloppy bun, one I for sure did not do myself an I had many bruises forming on my bare legs.

I sat back down on the bench and placed my head between my legs to try to calm my breathing.

Med school 101 how to stop a panic attack.

My panic attack was interrupted when the cell door swung open. "Amelia?" an older officer asked me.

I stood up shaking my head rapidly. "Amelia Hale." I quickly confirmed.

He looked at the clip board in his hand and nodded. "Stand up and come with me."

I quickly wiped the stay tears off my face that fell and followed the officer, the only sound was the sound of my bare feet rushing to keep up with his fast strides.

The officer led me to a room full of desks. It looked like a place where people frequently were, the desks were filled with paper work and personal items.

I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was 7:00pm , everyone was already probably gone for the day.

It then hit me I've been here for a full day. Last night I remember walking out of the club and looking at my phone seeing it was around 3am.

My panic spiked to level that I didn't even know was possible when the officer had me sit at a desk in the back.

"Is this some type of integration? I didn't do anything I swear. I think if your trying to interrogate me I have rights, like a right to lawyer..." I rambled while rubbing my sweaty palms on my dress.

The officer laughed at me and shook his head."Just wait here a second." He told me before turning around and walking out of the room.

I let my thoughts get the best of me again and wiped the stray tears falling from my eyes desperately trying to remember what happened to land me here.

I heard foot steps and I slowly sat upright ready to face my fate, and demand for my rights to be allowed.

My fate ended up being closer to my hate.

Officer Phoenix Adams walked through the door and sat in front of me handing me a water bottle.

I gritted my teeth and looked up at him, my anger was so overwhelming I couldn't think of any words to spit at him.

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