{chapter 24}

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The plane ride home was horrible and I was exhausted. Extremely exhausted. I planned on going to classes the day after we came home but my body disagreed , I mean one more day wouldn't be too disastrous.

I was wearing black yoga pants , and a black lace bralette with a slouchy oversized long sleeve over.

Phoenix was in his grey sweats and T-shirt along with slippers.

My hair was knotted in some type of bun on top of my head as we clunked up the stairs to our apartment.

"I'm so tired" I yawned leaning against my boyfriend as he unlocked the door.

He made my head spin when he swooped me up bridal style making me squeal.

"What are you doing?!" I moaned at him.

"You said you were tired, I decided to help you out." he chuckled walking me through our familiar home.

"I'm too tiered to argue." I yawned as he set me on our bed and crawled on top of me giving my neck soft kisses. "How do you have the energy?" I asked as he continued to kiss me.

"Im immortal and you're a temptresses" he joked making me roll my eyes but stretch my neck to kiss him back.

His lips and mine connected artfully because Phoenix and sloppily due to my exhaustion.

He flipped us quickly so I was laying on top of him and he was no longer in danger of crushing me.

"Smooth." I complimented breaking for air.

He flashed me a big smile before stretching his arms and wiggling his shirt off and I quickly did the same, leaving my top in nothing but a bralette.

I strateld his hips while tracing the simple triangle tattoo that rested there before placing a kiss on top of it.

I moved onto the quote printed on his rib cage that read "Some fear the fire and some become it "

"My mother had the same one." He said softly as he ran his hand along the top of it.

I just hummed in agreeance , not wanting to ask questions since his mother was never something we talked about.

"She would of liked you. A lot." He continued surprising me.

"Really?" I asked pushing his hair off of forehead.

"Yep. She would be proud I found someone with dreams and adventure. Both of those described her." He explained.

"Tell me about her." I said removing myself off of him and onto to the bed beside him.

He thought for a little bit before replying. "We look alike I guess. She absolutely loved taking us on vacations and new thing like simple hiking trails or bike rides. My school attendance was a little sketchy because of that." He joked making me laugh a little.

"But I don't know." He continued. "She just such a great person, always alive, always trying to help us fix or understand our mistakes."

I listened as he continued on about his mother. He spoke so fondly of her, I yearned to meet her also.

"When she passed, it was hard. My dad still hasn't been the same, he hasn't always been such a hardass, my brother is a little too young to completely remember her." He ended.

I ran my hands through his hair again and hummed. He just told me some of his true inner feelings, and I wanted him to be able to come to me with his feelings and be able to talk about his past, even the parts that weren't to magical.

I laid besides him and snuggled into his side while he occasionally would kiss my forehead.

We were both silent for a small while just relaxing in each other's company and my eyes were beginning to get heavier and heavier and my body gave into sleep.
My eyes cracked open a little when I felt the bed dip besides me and Phoenix was talking to someone on the phone hurriedly.

I opened my eyes a bit wider to see he was was on the phone with someone before he turned the corner and made his way to the living room.

I ignored him and flipped onto my stomach ready to sink back into the bed and fall asleep, when I hear Phoenix's voice get a little louder and faster.

I groaned and pushed myself up from the bed and slipped my feet into some flip flops before I sleepily padded over to him.

"Yes, ok. I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you." He said before hanging up.

"What's up?" I asked leaning against the wall.

Phoenix said nothing but wrapped his arms around me and spun me around rapidly.

"Woah! What was that for?" I asked smiling when he set me down.

"Amelia I just got promoted. By the governor." He said breathlessly.

My jaw immediately dropped and I was at a loss for words. "Oh my god." I was able to get out. "That's amazing holy shit! How when why?" I gasped out.

Phoenix has been working for a promotion for a long time and for it to come so suddenly left our heads spinning.

"I'm on a case. You know that drug bust we did? The one where your arm was fractured?" He asked and I nodded eagerly gripping his arms. "Well they weren't independent drug dealers. They were international drug smugglers and I'm going to be one of the lead officers on the case, it's going to the big courts, we have so much evidence to gather."

I let go of his arms and hugged his as tightly as possible.

"I'm so proud of you." I cut him off and he held me while kissing my neck.

"I have to go right now. They want to establish everything we're doing." He said quickly breaking away and pulling a hoody over his body that happened to be laying over a chair.

"Right now? It's kinda late." I said frowning a little. To be honest I was looking forward to enjoying a nice peaceful night with my boyfriend after a long trip and maybe grabbing brunch tomorrow.

"I know but I have to. I love you." He said grabbing his keys and wallet.

I sighed but nodded. "Be safe." I told him.

"Always am babe."

Sorry for the wait! I'm on summer break now!

Thank you guys sooooo much for everything!

So Phoenix got this big promotion/case, things are definitely going to change big time.

I looove your comments!

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