{chapter 8}

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We walked into the grand tent draperies and I was impressed with the amazing string lights and round tables.

There was many women and men chatting and drinking expensive looking alcohol. Many of their outfits were way more formal than mine, making me pull down the hem of my skirt consciously and making me think how I need to go out shopping for better bottoms.

"What is this?" I asked Phoenix in awe.

He unhooked his arm from mine as we walked at at steady pace nodding at people in greetment ever so often.

"Its an event for Officers basically, like a holiday party type thing." he explained.

"Pretty fancy for cops" I muttered.

"Yeah , well my dad likes to be a show off ." He replied leaving me really confused but I don't want to question it because of this distaste he had in his voice.

We walked around as he awkwardly greeted people and I just smiled and occasioanly introduced myself.

We walked to the edge of the large ice rink and i admired the smooth ice.

"Hey! Nix!" A group of three officers  I presumed, walked over to us.

Phoenix turned and gave them each a brief guy hand shake.

"Who's this beauty?" One of them asked. He was a tad bit taller than Phoenix with dark black hair and clear hazel eyes. His skin was slightly tanned and I briefly wondered if he had a girlfriend.

"Oh, I'm Mia" I politely introduced myself and subconsciously smoothing my hair.

"Roger." He took my hand and kissed it.

I felt my cheeks blushed extremely as I took my hand back. "Nice to meet you."

"Mia, is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." He said while smiling and exposing his straight teeth.

"Alright enough with the meet and greet, Mia and I are busy." Phoenix quickly interrupted while re-grabbing my arm softly.

Roger gave him a look of annoyance but said nothing, except sending me a wink before we Phoenix pulled me in the opposite direction.

"Hey, i was talking to him." I slightly advised but he inturpted me. "You don't want to mess with a guy like Roger. Trust me."

I wanted to know what he meant by that too  but I let it slide, not wanting to be a gossip. Well in public at least.

Phoenix and I walked a little longer in silence before we made our way to a table that was empty and slightly off to the side filled with small snacks like chocolate covered pretzels .

I was surprised when he he politely pulled out my chair for me and waited for me to sit down before helping me scoot the chair in.

"Wow you do have some manners." I lightly remarked making him shrug.

"I was raised to be charming, not sincere." He replied cracking a small smile.

I laughed slightly at his crude response and was about to reply when a younger boy came running up to our table and jumped on Phoenix's lap.

I was almost scared for the boy, that Phoenix was going to yell at him but I was very wrong. Phoenix instead wrapped his arms around the boy tightly in a hug, showing a loving side of himself for a few seconds.

The boy was a dead on younger twin of Phoenix with the sharp features and dirty blonde hair and it hit me this must be his younger brother her briefly mentioned before.

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