{chapter 12}

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Song of the chapter- Roses by The Chainsmokers

Special shout outs to straffis @careless34 & @laughingsmile for always being nice and commenting thank you!!!

After the mugging incident and that night when he held me in the car as I sobbed, we didn't talk about it, but things were different.

Phoenix came over a lot, insisting on bringing food (even though I was trying to diet and eat healthy) every time and pretending he hated watching Greys Anatomy. (even though he insisted I stated over from season 1) I think he had some type of crush on Christina Yang.

He even had some articles of comfortable wear at my house, since he often came over after work and would stay the night. When he stayed the night I would just wash his uniform for him and have it ready for the next day.

It was finally New Year's Eve and we were getting ready together, to go for a dinner and then watch the ball drop. In the downtown area they had huge screens plastered everywhere , playing the New York ball drop.

"Why don't you try and wear something you won't freeze to death in." Phoenix yelled at me from the bathroom where he was fixing his hair. Something that never died as we became closer was his arrogance and his sarcasm.

"Beauty comes with a price!" I yelled back while searching through my closet.

I slipped on my light ripped jeans and a loose long white sleeve. I topped it off with a floor length tan coat. I curled the ends of my hair to give my outfit a little more class praying they would last for the night.

I walked to the bathroom besides Phoenix who was shirtless and glowing, making me drool instantly.

I noticed a few tattoos I never knew he had, like a triangle on his hip and some writing in his rib cage that I didn't get a chance to read because he slipped a light red long sleeve on.

"You look amazing." He told me pulling me into him by my waist and nuzzling his head into the side of my neck.

I laughed and pulled out my phone taking a quick mirror selfie of us in that position. We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe we were dating? I wasn't really sure but whatever we were I felt amazing. I felt light and happy whenever I was with him, and I never wanted it to end.

"You and your pictures." He commented and then shut the light off to my bathroom.

My phone camera was littered with two things, notes from school and pictures of Phoenix and I. Mostly him doing weird things like being irate over who chose who in Greys Anatomy and him sleeping since he looked so peaceful.

"Ready?" I asked as I slipped on my small heels.

"I'm always ready before you." He joked while lightly tugging on my curls causing me to glare at him. 

"Your the one going to feel my wrath if my curls are flat by midnight." I warned him.

After arguing with him to put on a heavier coat for a good ten minutes we grabbed our wallets and Phoenix grabbed his keys, since we would be taking his Rover.

His car was super luxurious and the one time he let me drive it I drove about 10 miles under the speed limit to avoid recking while he yelled at me for not doing things to his liking. "Mia! Jesus Christ, you're going to kill us!" 'Fuck! Just get out , you can never drive my car again!"

We got to the icy parking lot and he held the door open for me and we made our way to resatraunt other than Dennys for the first time.

The reastraunt was busy and there was many couples and familys fighting for a table. Thankfully Phoenix surprised me by making reservations in the Vip section. "Perks of being a cop"he said once we sat down.

"What did you do? Threaten to shut down the place?" I asked pushing him to explain more but he just smiled.

"I'll never reveal my secrets."

We got our menus and i looked through it, choosing to go with a burger and fries.

"So how's Nick? He's really sweet, one day you'll have to bring him over to my house." I said referring to his younger brother.

"He's good, still stealing loads of pens for places and I'm not sure weather to encourage or discourage it." He said with a small smile.

What I learned about Phoenix and his brother is that they're super close and look up to one another.

"Go figure , the son of the police chief and younger brother of an officer is a pen thief. Children of authority are ALWYAS the worse." I joked while pushing my curls off my shoulder.

Our food came eventually and we began to eat while laughing about stupid jokes we made. At a point we were laughing so hard that Nix knocked his water over and we had to scarmble to hurry and try and wipe it for the waitresses.

"One day I'm going to go on a ride along with you." I told him once were finishing up.

"Really now? So what would you do if there was the biggest bank heist this country has ever seen?" He questioned me.

"Well obviously channel my inner Kim Possible." I told him seriously.

"You're so strange you know that?" He asked me while sighing off on the check.

"All soon to be doctors are." I said

"So how long until your in actual med school?" He questioned.

"Well within the next three-four  semesters. While I was in high school my dad made me take college classes by a campus near our home, so I'm kinda ahead " I explained.

"My girl's smart." He said winking at me then handing me my purse before we joined hands to leave.

'My girl' sounded so good coming from his mouth. 'His girl' was title I think I'd gladly take.

At around 10 we packed up and decided to head downtown to claim a spot for the live ball drop broadcasting for the west coast.

To my surprise it was very filled with families and friends all ready to ring in the New Year.

We found a spot that was close to the water surrounding the area, making it really cold but a great view for the fireworks after.

"Cold?" Nix asked me as I blew breath in my hands and rubbed them together. As it got later the temperature continued to drop.

"A little." I said as my teeth chattered.

He pulled me in closer to him and rubbed my hands between his and I was thankfully sharing his body heat.

We stayed together like that comfortably talking and sipping on the hot chocolate we bought. I was still laughing at how Phoenix tried to be tough when we first got it and he burnt the hell out of his tongue. 

At 12:59 I bounced up and down happily as the vibes in the air were amazing.

"10" Everyone began counting as the ball on the large screens began to drop slowly.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I shouted along with everyone in the crowd.

Pheonix looked down to me smiled brightly as he moved a peice of hair that got in my face from the wind as everyone shouted around us and began to kiss their lovers.

He slowly leaned in and my heart rate began to thump as our lips connected.

Fireworks bursted up ahead and I can compare them to the kiss, it was bright, electric and perfect.

Thank you for reading!

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