{chapter 29}

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Phoenix POV

The door slammed and shook the wall as she left.

My eyes clouded in more tears , but they were in anger. Anger at Mia for not letting me make it up, anger at my stupid job, anger at my partners but mostly anger at myself.

My stupid self, how could I be so dumb and forget our evening together.

I thought for a few seconds before ripping our door open and running out after her.

My feet heavily padded on the floor as I sprinted around corners trying to make it to the lot where I knew her explorer was parked.

The doorman wasn't there so I pushed the door open only to see the tail lights of her car already pulled out and past the first stop light.

"Fuck!" I growled grabbing onto my hair.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed her number only to get sent straight to voicemail.

My heart felt heavy as did the rest of my limbs as I made it back upstairs.

I got back into our home and slammed the door and growled angrily.

I made my way to the bathroom and my chest clinched as I seen all her makeup laid out along with hair products.

I stood up the girl I love.

I loved Amelia Hale with all my heart and would never intentionally do anything to jeopardize her love in me.

I wandered around in circles around our living space,trying to call Mia but she wouldn't pick up, and I honestly couldn't blame her even if I wanted too.

This was a huge fuck up.

I walked to the fridge and opened it to reveal a bottle of vodka stashed way in the back. Not thinking I immediately grabbed it and popped off the top taking it back to the sofa with me.

I buried my face in my hands while the news played softly.

Well tonight's going to be a long night I thought to myself while raising the bottle to my lips and taking the first drink.


Pounding on my door is what startled me up. At first I thought it was just my head, because holy shit I felt hungover, but it took me a few moments to realize the pounding was outside of my head.

I stumbled up and unlocked the door to be met with my dad and my brother.

"What?" I asked my dad rubbing my eyes.

He was in his uniform and gave me a roll of his eyes before gently leading my brother towards me.

"Watch him. The nanny cancelled because she's sick and I'm not missing work." He grunted handing me a backpack that I could here all the crayons rolling around in.

"I have work dad." I told him giving him the bag back but he refused.

"Where's that girl you live with. Can't she watch him, she dosent seem to do much." He replied tiredly.

My eyes snapped to his and I bit my tongue. "She's busy today. Yeah whatever I'll call in." I replied not wanting to hear him talk more about Mia.

He huffed but left without another word leaving me and my brother Nick.

I closed the door and dropped his bag on the floor.

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