01|Can't Get It Out Of My Head.

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"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. "

Bree's POV

"Jackson, just tell me where you're taking me!" I plead for the hundredth time today. Today is my eighteenth birthday and with no knowledge whatsoever of what is possibly going on, I'm currently being dragged by my brother to someplace that I have no clue of.

"Kitty, can you just wait for your surprise?" my irksome brother replies curtly.

Just as my annoyance is about to reach the limit, my phone rings and to my big surprise, it's my dad.

"Hey, Dad!" I pick up the call.

"Sorry ma'am, there had been an accident near Dupont Circle. It's best if you could get here as fast as possible," someone says from the other end.

My heart drops right out of its place and into my stomach, curdling. My phone slips out of my hand, and Jackson stops the car.

"Bree what's wrong?" he asks me, unaware.

"Mom...and Dad...in an...accident," I croak, and hot tears roll down my face.

This couldn't be happening.

"Drive back to Dupont Circle. Quick!" I manage to barely squeeze the sentence out as Jackson starts the car.

His eyes are glossy with fresh tears, and he drives faster than usual. There are millions of things rushing through my head, and it's all too much to handle, eventually; I struggle to swallow a lump in my throat that's trying to push its way up.

It is indeed, my dad's car. Jackson and I share a similar look of disbelief. Gripping my hand, he leads the way.

My heart halted, and sunk further into my stomach, almost painfully. The scene is completely unbearable even to look at, shards of glass splattered everywhere like Christmas decorations and reminders of metallic pieces from the wreckage. However, most importantly, the epicenter of the greatest tragedy.

Mom. Dad. My best friends, Maddison and Ashton.

Each and every one of their bodies being taken on stretchers to the flailing ambulance. My eyes are glued to their lifeless bodies. Jackson drags me near them and speaks to someone, all while I'm blank.

My parents and best friends are dead.




Tears taint my eyes. It's been nearly two months since it happened. I've been crying myself to sleep every day and scream into a pillow, in an attempt to numb it all. Why me?

I miss my Mom and Dad.

I miss my friends.

I can never stop blaming myself for it. Wiping off my tears, I check my phone which reads 5:00 am. I guess I'll go running; it's a new habit I've picked up as a way of relieving the tension heavy in my heart.

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