26|Maria's Wedding.

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"The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched , but just felt in the heart. "

-Anne Sullivan

Bree's pov.
"Oh my gosh! Maria you look so beautiful! " I squeal with excitement. Finally Brad and Maria are getting married.

"The credit goes to you and Amanda. " she says with a smile. I as so happy today.

My phone starts ringing in my purse. I reach out to it to see who's calling. Aiden.

"Baby doll , did you guys start yet?" he asks .

"Nope! We're getting Maria into the car," I say.

"We're already close to the church, " he says.

" Aiden we would be there in time if you fucking drop the call!" I whisper shout, helping Maria get into the car .

"You sound very pissed off," he says in an amused voice.

"Baby you've been calling me every fifteen minutes as if it's our wedding going on there!" I say loudly and immediately regret what I said. Me and my stupid anger.

"Even if you just said it out of anger , I like the sound of it," Aiden says over the phone. My face flustered red.

"Aiden I'm dropping the call now. I've got things to do," I say.

"Okay baby. Don't get all worked up. Meet you at the church, " he says and drops the call.

"Ricky get your fucking as out here. We're going to be late brother! " I yell at Ricky who was playing on his phone.

Of course he was getting bored since he was the only guy here . He was the only one left to drive us.

"I'm coming, " he says laughing a little at my tone. I end up smiling when I find Amanda, Rachel and Maria laughs too.

We get into the limo. Ricky and Rachel sit in front while I and Amanda accompany Maria.

"Baby you're looking beautiful, " I hear Ricky tell Rachel.

"And baby if you do not concentrate on driving, I'm ripping your head off, " I say mocking him and we all burst out laughing.

"You look so happy, " Amanda says sitting next to me.

"I am happy.", I admit with a smile and she returns it.

"We're here!" Ricky announces and I hear Maria sigh .

"Finally, " I say and Rachel giggles.

We help Maria out and I ask Amanda to go in first since I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with the slow walk down the aisle since she's been having a back ache.

"You look as beautiful as always, " I hear Aiden's voice. I turn to look at him.

He looked so hot in the tux. I had my eyes fixed on him.

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