07|Being Me.

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"When it rains look for rainbows when it is dark look for stars."

Bree's pov.

I feel someone's hand running through my hair and open my eyes to see Maria. She smiles at me, while I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes feeling a little better. I'm such a kid. 

"How are you feeling now sweetheart?" Maria asks gently.

"Much better," I reply yawning before resting my head against the headboard.

"How about I get you your dinner into your room?" she suggests, and I nod with a small yet genuine smile.

I get off the bed once Maria leaves the room and get to the shower. After brushing my teeth, I put on a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt. Pulling my hair into a messy bun, I sit cross-legged on my bed, and by the time Maria came, I'm watching frozen. There's nothing better than Disney movies.

"Here sweetheart, have the soup," Maria gives me a bowl of soup and sits down next to me. She then gives me some spaghetti to eat and I eat in silence while watching the movie.

"Someone came for you today," Maria speaks while breaking the silence.

"For me?" I ask confused, and she nods.

"His name is Aiden," she informs. I frown at his name, he came home to meet me? Wow! I think I should talk to him.

"I'll speak to him," I inform her still deep in thought.

I finish my dinner, and Maria leaves the room. I wonder why Aiden came home. I take my phone to check if Jackson called. There were calls but a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: how are you now baby doll?

Me: Aiden, is that you?

I send my message and put my phone aside. My phone buzzes immediately.

Aiden: wow! You actually recognized me.

Me: so why did you come home today?

Aiden: I wanted to know how you were. Annie told me you live on the same street as I do.

Me: oh. I'm fine now.

Aiden: Hmm... so are you coming to school tomorrow?

Me: I guess.

Aiden: Okay then good night. Tc. Bye.

Me: why are you being so good to me all of a sudden?

Aiden: no reason.

Me: Hmm... okay bye.

Aiden: bye.

After that, I put my phone for charge and get back to my movie. I couldn't sleep somehow. I put on my next film. Star Wars. But my mind is still clouded with thoughts of Aiden.

After about two movies I look at the time. It was 2:00 am already. I still couldn't sleep so I put off the movie and open my glass roof. The stars look so beautiful as they illuminate the night sky. Before I realize, the flood of sleep washes over me.

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