08|Moving On.

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"Hearts are wild creatures and that's why our ribs are cages. "

Bree's pov.
I change into some pajama shorts and a loose t-shirt before putting my hair up into a messy bun. Heading out of my room, I see Aiden sitting on the barstool as I descend the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a coke tin before turning to Aiden.

"Do you want one?" I ask Aiden holding up another coke tin and he nods before grabbing it from my hand while I walk around him to sit down.

Sitting down on one of the barstools, I notice him staring at me or rather checking me out but with a way too nice smile. 

"What?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," he says with a smile and looks away. I help Maria set the table and god I so didn't want to sit at the dining table but I don't really have a choice right now.

Trying to force down some food, I give up not finding my appetite and end up fiddling with food hoping they didn't notice. It's been way too long since I sat at the dining table which brings back too many memories of my parents and Jared too.

"I'm done eating," I announce giving up on the act and grab my plate to walk away.

"But you barely ate anything," Maria says and Aiden looks up with a curious expression switching between my face and the plate.

"I'm just not really hungry," replying to the question as politely as I could, I walk away. Dumping the remaining food, I drink some water before leaning on the kitchen aisle and place my face in my palms.

These memories just won't leave alone, I wish I could just treasure the good ones and lock away the bad ones but oh well, memories don't work that way. I walk back to Maria and Aiden as both of them finish and get up.

"I had a great time with you today. Thank you, baby doll," Aiden says leaving but not before kissing my cheek leaving me surprise and feeling my face flustered.

"Don't call me baby doll," I tell him as sternly as I could trying not to show the effect he had on me. Damn, what the hell is wrong with me?!

"Whatever you say, baby doll. Meet you at school tomorrow. Bye," he says with a grin making me narrow my eyes at him. 

"Bye Aiden," I say rolling my eyes. I'm not going to deny it, I liked his company but I don't think he would like to befriend me or I just don't want to believe that he is genuinely hanging out with the girl who kicked his best friend's ass.


I wake up peacefully and the strange part is that I didn't have a nightmare, which hasn't happened in a long while. Checking the time, I realize it's only 7:30 am so I end up spending about fifteen extra minutes rolling in bed. I then get up to brush my teeth and end up having a  shower too.

Walking out of the shower, I wrap a bathrobe around my wet body before stepping back into my room and the chilliness of the air-conditioner hits my skin. Woah, cool! I quickly run into my closet before grabbing another sweatshirt and baggy jeans, just like my usual school nerdy look. Looking at myself one last time, I step out letting my hair dry naturally.

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