Orphan Girl (9)

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HI guys, :) 

So so sorry it feels like ages since I have uploaded last.  

SO i just wanted you all to know how much i love you all. I didnt ever expect to get so many reads, but hey miricales happen!! haha

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Claire xx


Scott's P.O.V

When I got home, Mum and dad were sitting at the table, with stern looks on their faces.

Why was it that every time I come home, something bad has happened involving me?

"Scott, sit down." Mum smiled reassuring me. I sat down slowly unsure where this conversation was going to.

"I got a call while you were out today son," Dad said as if he didn’t want to give away too much information. Like he was hiding something from me.

"From who?" I asked him.

"The Binders Pack. They want to help us." Dad smiled sadly towards me.

"Help us with what? Dad’s what’s going on?”

"He is near. Tyler caught his scent yesterday. He is coming soon for her Scott. We want to be completely prepared when he does."

I didn't know how to react to this. Someone wants Oakley. He wants my Oakley, to take her all for himself. One thing I was yet to understand was why he wanted to take her. Who was Oakley to him?

"When are the Binders arriving then?" I demanded.

"Tomorrow night. They will stay here with us at the house and protect everyone in the pack from them. We don’t know how dangerous this man is yet, but I’m not willing to take any risks."

"What about Oakley?"

"What about her?"

"Who will be protecting her? I can't be around her all the time. We need someone in the distance to watch her. She’s involved with this too, she has a right to be safe" I stood up.

"She will be carefully looked after Scott stop worrying about her alright."

"By who?"

"I don't know yet."

"Well the minute you find out. I want to be the first to know, understand? I don’t just want some amateur   kid watching her. Oakley needs the best protection she can possibly get. I was the one who brought her into this whole thing, I will pull her out. She is my responsibility and I need to take care of her. What if she gets hurt? What am I going to do then? Dad we can’t let him hurt her. "

“Honey it’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry alright. Just stop and take a breath. Oakley will be fine. This will all blow over in a week or so.” My mum warned me.

“I hope so; He won’t even know what’s coming his way when he sees me.” I growled.

“Scott, do you have any idea why he would be targeting Oakley? You never know son, this could all just be a silly high school prank that one of your friends are pulling to get you upset.” Mum wasn’t helping me nor calming me down a single bit.

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