Orphan Girl (28)

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Hey guys, chapter 28 right here. its coming to an end.... :((((
I no I’m pretty upset. i was telling my teacher about my story and he thinks I should stop it soon and put it on Amazon, so if you wanted to finish reading it you would have to buy it. I don’t think I could do that though. i dunno, I’m thinking that maybe when it is done ill keep it on here for a little while longer than take it off and post it on Amazon and charge like $1 for it. i dunno. I’m thinking about it. 

anyway, tell me if you think it’s a good idea, i need advice. 

Thanks everyone for all the support. I'd also like to state the fact that none of my friends have read this. not even my parents. you guys are the first. i told them all once it’s gone ill let them read it, but i also want to get it edited before they do. so if any of you guys know of an editor, or you are an editor and wouldn't mind editing this give me a shout. It doesn’t need much i don’t think, just a few spelling and all that, yeah the usual. hahha thanks so much for reading, 

please comment and vote. it would mean the world to me. i was thinking of putting this on the watty awards, so all votes would be amazing!! 



Scott’s P.O.V

It had been days since I was locked in here. I was going mental. I hated it here. I swear I could hear her voice. I must be hearing things. I just wanted to see her. I didn’t know how long it had been since I had seen her, but I missed her so much.

I missed the way she smelt. The way she smiled when she didn’t know what else to say. I missed how easy it was to make her blush. I missed her altogether.

I had given up trying to get out. It was pointless. There was no use. If they wanted me out, then they would un chain me. I hate feeling this weak but I didn’t have a choice. I hated knowing that they had Oakley.

I have no idea what they were doing to her. But I can’t imagine it would be pleasant. I can still feel her sometimes, so I guess that’s a good thing. She isn’t dead or else I would feel it. That’s another good thing about our bond. If only I had mated her earlier and I could talk to her through our minds.

There’s nothing I could do. This was how I was going to die. Alone and scared. Not for me, but for the love of my life.

Oakley’s P.O.V

It was dark all day long. I couldn’t see an inch of sunlight. Lucky I had my watch on me so I could see the time. It had been four days now. Four long miserable days since those monsters locked me in here. I was hungry and cold, not to mention bored out of my brains. After a few hours in here I walked around (with my hands in front of my body so I didn’t knock into anything) and tried to see if there was anything interesting in here. I found a little bathroom. A toilet and a little sink. Lucky, there was no way in the world I could last four days without the toilet.

Orphan GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang