Orphan Girl (25)

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hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but heres another chapter, vote for it maybe !! hahaha that stupid song has been stuck in my head for so long now its getting annoying!!


claire xx


Oakley's P.O.V

Hours had pasted and I hadn’t moved from my bed. I couldn’t get that strange voice out of my head. I tried calling once or twice more but there was no answer this time. I needed to hear that Scott was okay. I needed to make sure that everything was alright.

I wanted to hear his voice again.

I did what I thought was best, which honestly, if I wasn’t in a rush panicking about what was happening there is no way in hell I would have done it, but I was desperate.

“Hello there.” The voice answered seductively.

“Tyler?” I asked hastily.

“Who’s this?”

“It’s Oakley.”

“Oakley?” He thought. That’d be right; he has no idea who I was. I wasn’t one of his one night stands which I think he was hoping was calling.

“Um hey Tyler, yeah it’s Oakley, Scott’s girlfriend?” I asked.

“Ohhhhhhh hey you. What’s up?” He yelled, proud of himself that he knew who I was.

“Have you seen Scott anywhere lately?” I asked.

“Um, yeah I saw him this morning. He was going to pick you up to meet the parents. Did he forget to pick you up?” He chuckled.

I had to hurry. I didn’t know where Scott was, and we were just wasting time talking about useless crap.

“Tyler, do you know where Scott is now?  I tried calling him and someone picked up saying that Scott was in danger. I don’t know if it was a joke or not but I’m scared and I can’t get over there because I’m in Melton. Tyler I don’t know what to do.” I ranted on.

“Whoa whoa Oakley breathe, breathe. I’m near the house now, just calm down, I’ll go have a look. It was probably just one of the kids he lives with. Scott’s must have fallen asleep and left his phone in the lounge room or something. They always mess around with stuff that isn’t there’s. ” Tyler tried to reassure me, but deep down, I think he was trying to reassure himself.

“Alright, I’m at the house now, I’ll go in and wake him up.” He said.

“Can you see anything?” I asked.

He stopped. I could hear the phone drop to the floor.

“Tyler! Tyler! Tyler what happened?” I yelled.

There was a couple of seconds where Tyler didn’t say anything, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. “Oakley, listen to me. Listen to me right now. Get out of the house. Run, do you hear me?” He yelled.

I froze. What in the world is going on?

“What?” I gasped.

“Oakley get out of the house. Someone is after you Oakley. Whoever it is, took Scott, Don’t talk to anyone, just run. Alright?” He shouted.

I panicked. Why was someone after me?

“Where do I go?” I asked quickly.

“Who cares just get out! There’s a boy Edge, Oakley if you see him run away. Use self defence, anything, he is a bad man! He will hurt you.” Tyler wasn’t making any sense. Edge wouldn’t hurt me. He was the nice one in the family.

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