Orphan Girl (24)

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Oakley’s P.O.V

The plane ride was absolutely horrendous. Never again will I go in an aeroplane. If I want to get somewhere, I will go by boat.  It was so terrible, and to top it all off I didn’t get one inch of sleep for the whole five hours. During the flight, a little kid thought it would be entertaining to start kicking the back of my chair to the beat of the loud music the person next me had blasting through his ears.

I was seriously going to kill someone.

 It was the worst experience ever.

I repeat, I will never, ever fly again. I hate not being in control of the wheel either, knowing that there’s nothing I can do if we have an accident. All it does is bring shivers down my spine.

Though the good thing about the plane ride was, it gave me time to think about what the hell was going on with my life at the moment. Why the hell I left everything without a fight. I should have stood up for the people that I love. I should have done something about it.

It doesn’t matter now though. It’s all over. It’s too late to turn the clock around, to turn back time. I wished it wasn’t. I wish I never got adopted.

I always thought that a day like today was going to be the most amazing experience of my life. Ever since I was around 12 years old, all I wanted was to get away from Mary and the Orphanage. Now that I have lost both of them I miss it so much. I guess the saying you can only love what you don’t longer have.

I took my time getting off the plane. There was no rush to leave the airport so what’s the point?

I didn’t know who was going to pick me up, and I didn’t know where to go after I got my stuff. My luggage was one of the last bags on the stand, so I carefully grabbed the three bags and started walking to the exit doors.

There wasn’t really anyone around the airport today. I was really surprised about this. In movies, airports were always jammed packed. There were always masses of people everywhere, and if you weren’t holding on to someone’s hand you would get lost.

That’s what I always thought anyways.

I walked out the doors and saw a few more people standing around trying to get the attention from a taxi driver. I took a look around and couldn’t see Lea or Jim anywhere.

Great, it’s the first day and they already forget about me. I was about to turn around when I heard a voice calling my name.

“Oakley? Oakley! Over here!” I looked around, but there was no one there. I must be going crazy.

Looking at my feet, I continued to walk, thinking about what I could do, or who I could call, I hit a solid figure and fell directly on my butt.

“Well hello to you to.” A deep voice chuckled.

How dare someone laugh at me, and not even consider helping me up. You know, I’m fine on the floor, continue to laugh at me, that’s alright.

I looked up to see who this rude man was, my eyes almost popping out of my head at the sight of him. The so called stranger whom was laughing at me, turned out to be the unfortunate boy who I spilt my guts to due to a bad day a couple of weeks ago.

“Edge?” I asked, realising that I was still lying on butt. I quickly got up looking around to check of anyone noticed me.

“Hey there, didn’t think I’d see you again.” He smiled.

“Edge? What are you doing here?” I asked still stunned to see him here.

“Well, I was told to come to the airport and collect a girl that goes by the name Oakley Green. I’m thinking that’s you is it not?” He smirked.

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