Orphan Girl (19)

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Listening to all police try and figure out what happened was excruciating. They wouldn't leave, they just had to ask questions after questions, when couldn't they see I wasn't in the right state to talk. Apparently aunt Kelly brought the kids to a hotel tonight and was going to break it to the kids in the morning. I didn't realize how much I would miss her, until she's actually gone.

They took the body away almost instantly.

Thank god.

I don't think I could look at it any longer. It was already plastered in my mind for the rest of my life. They didn't see the note though, it was still scrunched in a ball, in my pocket. That note will be seen by no one. They don't need to know that I was the cause of her death.

There was nothing that Scott or myself could do to help the situation. I sat on the coach, in my own little world. Not wanting to talk to anyone. Scott had his arm around me, rubbing small circles in my back. He answered most of the questions that they asked me, because right now I just wasn't fit enough to even open my mouth.

It was just too much work right now.

Everything was changing all of a sudden. I almost couldn't keep up with everything. It was seriously so much pressure to me, I felt like I was going to explode any minute now.

When aunt Kelly came back home with the kids, it was horrific. Surprisingly Jason was the worst.

He threw things around, shouted a little, screamed at nothing. Not once did he show weakness though and cry in front of us. I found him in our room a couple of hour after they were home. He was curled up in a ball, in the free corner of the room.

"Jason, it's okay to cry in front of people you know. Everyone is upset, you don't have to be the strong on." I reassured him.

"I don't want to go down there." was all he whispered to me.

"You don't have to Jase, all I'm saying is, I'm here. I know how it feels losing someone who you were close to. It sucks, i know. The best way to help move on from it, is to be with people who are going through the same thing. Everyone down there is feeling the same as you. It's okay."

He wiped his nose in his sleeve and looked up at me. "I don't want to be weak. I hate beeing weak."

I huffed and plopped down on his bed. "You are anything but weak my friend. You are one of the strongest person I know. You don't take crap from anyone. I think Chloe was looking for you before, she was worried about you. We all are Jase."

"Everyone leaves." Was all he said.

"Sorry?" I didn't understand when he had his mouth on his shirt.

"I have no one Oakley. No one! Everyone leaves me, mum and dad didn't want me. I was taken from my sister. My friends don't care about me. I'm sick of people leaving." He screamed.

"That's a lie." I replied.


"I care about you. Jason I promises you that I won't leave you. Your stuck with me for a long time, so don't you worry about that!" I smiled.

"Promise?" He looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"Promise." I nodded. He got up and hugged me tightly as if he didn't want to to go anywhere. He had the strangest mood swings possible.

"People care about you Jase, you just have to let them in. Chloe was freaking out. Worried sick that you would hurt yourself again. She was worried. I was worried."

"Should I go talk to her?" He asked backing out of the hug.

"Yeah that would be a good idea." I nodded.

Jason left me in my room, and that's when it hit me again. I was alone once again.

Mary, she was a pain in my ass, but a wonderful woman. She took care of me when no one would. She looked after me since I could walk. The thing that I still don't understand is why? Why did she take me in 16 years ago? She was one her own when I arrived, why did she take care of me?

There was so many questions that I had wanted to ask her. It was to late though, she was gone, and because of me.

Who was after me in the first place? Who would want me? I was just Oakley, boring Oakley with no parents nor friends.

I was still sitting on Jason's bed, when someone knocked on the closed door.

"Oakley, you in here?" A deep voice asked from the other side. A voice that I would recognize from miles away.


"Yeah," I croaked out. I didn't want any company, but I new Scott would always be good company for me.

He walked in, and I saw a few tears in his eyes. He was crying.

"Scott are you okay?" I asked, patting the bed next to me.

"Don't worry about me. How are you?" He sat down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't think it's kicked in yet." I shook my head.

"Oakley, can't I um, well can I ask you something?" He asked nervously.


"Why did you call me earlier? Why not your aunt or the police?"

I honestly hadn't thought about it. I was in a panic, I wasn't in the right state to talk to anyone else. So I called him.

"I panicked, when I saw her, I didn't know what to do. There was so much blood Scott, you would never understand how much blood there was." I honestly didn't want to remember that sight, but I knew that it would never leave me.

"Was anyone home when you got there?" He asked softly l, knowing that it was hard to talk about.

"Everyone was at the movies, I got home from work, I saw the door was broken open. I didn't know who could have been there. Mary shouldn't have been there." I stated.

"It was just a case, of wrong place at the wrong time." He shook his head.

"There was a note." I whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"What note? The police said nothing about a note."

My hand reached into my front pocket, and I pulled out the scrunched up paper that I found.

I handed it to him and watched him slowly flatten it out.

As he read it, his eyes grew wide.

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