Orphan Girl (15)

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Here's a little new years special for you all :)
weeooowww 2012 :) hahah

Claire xx


Oakley’s P.O.V

I couldn’t breathe. My eyes were glued on the black furry monster staring back at me. Why was it still here?

Didn't it have anything better to do?

I was shaking all over, unable to control myself. What the hell was happening to me? There was a bloody monster at my house. Oh my god was everyone in the house okay?

I could barely hear Scott calling me now. I didn’t understand why we weren’t moving away from it. It was staring at Scott and me like it was going to eat us both.

Wait, why they hell wasn’t Scott freaking out about this?
Why wasn’t he shocked at least?
Why was he only concerned about me and not the monster behind him.

“Oakley!” Scott said over and over again. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t panicking like I was.

Thinking over at the time I shared with Scott, I honestly know nothing about him. He knows the ins and outs of my life yet I know nothing. 

Why was I just figuring this out now, after all this time.

“Oakley!” Scott shook me. I didn’t realize he had been doing this for awhile now.

“What is going on?” I asked softly.

“Let me get your inside alright. You’re freezing; you’re going to catch a cold.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door, but I jerk back.

“What is going on?” I said a little stronger.

“Come inside Oakley.” He said in a demanding voice that frightened me.

He didn’t really give me an opportunity; he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me inside. He directed me to the couch and sat me down. I still wasn’t functioning right though. I couldn’t see much anymore and I started hyperventilating.

I looked around for Scott to see if he could calm me down but he was nowhere in sight.

“Scott.” I whispered shaking my head frantically. In my head it sounded like I was screaming in my head.

“Scott!” I yelled with all my might. I heard glass break and Scott was by my side in minutes. He keeled down in front of me and patted my back. This wasn’t helping though, I wasn’t breathing properly.

Scott realized this and did the first thing he could think of. Rushing into it, he quickly leaned in and kissed me passionately. This caught my attention. Kissing him back, everything was slowly working again. I opened my eyes and everything wasn’t fuzzy or blurry. I could hear the father clock ticking behind us loudly.

Scott broke the kiss off and cupped my cheeks, “You okay now?” He asked.
I honestly didn’t know. I felt a little better, but was I really okay with what happened earlier.

“Scott you know something about what happened before, don’t lie I know you do. You would have been freaking out like me if you didn’t. What is going on?” I asked.

He hesitated for a minute or so before looking back up at me.

“Are you sure you want to know?” He was now looking everywhere but at me.

“Yes Scott I have no idea what the hell is going on, please just let me in on what your hiding.” I begged.

“Come outside with me for a minute.” He grabbed my hand and lifted me up from the couch.

“Scott are you crazy it’s Dark outside and that thing is still out there.” I shook my head, was he stupid?
“Sleep on it Oakley, please. We will discuss this tomorrow morning.” He nodded dropping my hand. He smiled a sad smile and turned his back heading for the door.

“Scott wait, you can’t leave, what about the wolf outside?” I almost shrieked at the thought.

He chuckled, “It’s okay Oakley, I’ll be okay.” He nodded.

“I won’t be though.” I whispered hopping he would hear me.

He turned around completely and looked deep into my eyes.
I couldn’t look away, his dark eyes were gleaming at me.

“Stay the night here.” I smiled.

He turned his head to the side as if he was considering it.

“Please?” I was almost begging him.

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