Orphan Girl (11)

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Sorry for the wait... here it is nice and long!!!

Oakley’s P.O.V

Kissing Scott was like fireworks going off in my head. It was almost magical.

Like it was meant to be.

His lips were soft and smooth.

I was kissing Scott Williams. The Scott Williams.

I pulled back, moving away from Scott. This was Scott Williams.

And I was kissing him.

I stared at him; I was no longer scared nor frightened or him.
“What are you thinking?” he asked curiously.
I looked up and smiled at him. He was so handsome and sweet, really he was the perfect boy.

“What was that for?” I asked him


“The kiss.” I blushed just thinking about it.

“I like you Oakley.” He said.

“What?” I froze.

No one likes me. I didn’t even have friends.

Why was everything changing all of a sudden?

 Scott was looking at me curiously.

Scott and I were two completely different people.

He smiled. “No that’s not right.” He said.

I frowned, knowing it was too good to be true.

“Oakley I love you, and I have for awhile now.”

Now this shocked me.

I think I chocked on my own saliva, because I couldn’t breathe. This didn’t feel right. I looked at him and saw the worry on his face.

I could hear him faintly calling my name, but I was still in shock, how could this boy love me, when my own parents didn’t?

I didn’t see anything else as I blacked out, falling into Scott’s chest.


Scott’s P.O.V

She fainted after I told her.

 I shook my head.

She was a strange girl.

It probably had something to do with the fact that she didn’t have her parents. They weren’t there for her when she needed them.

If her parents didn’t love her, why would anyone else?

Because she is beautiful, that’s why.

I carried her up into her room and laid her down on her warm bed. She still was a little damp from earlier, but was nearly dry. Her hair was starting to curl at the ends.

I smiled, I’m really glad I told her how I feel; it was about time she new. Maybe just maybe she might feel the same way about me.

You never know.

Leaving her in her room to sleep it off, I left her house and ran home. I noticed that in the forest alone the way there was people starting to set up.
Why where they setting up?
I walked to my room and closed the door, not wanting to talk to anyone. It got me thinking, although I was completely worried about Oakley and if she was okay, I never had a change to sniff out the wolf who scared the crap out of her.

I would kill that wolf next time I saw it.

Not that I did see it in the first place, so that could be a problem.

“Son come down here for a second please.” Father yelled using his Alpha voice. It was strong and demanding, if he wasn’t my father, I would honestly be scared of him.

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