Chapter 37

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I don't know what to do

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I don't know what to do.

It's in moments like this where I just want tocollapse right then and there and never wake up again. I am in another nightmare.

Did we just get caught?


Are we in trouble?


Is Mike in trouble?

Please let it be no.

A lot of things are swirling inside my head right now. I haven't seen this doctor before and the first time I heard her name, she did something bad, add it to the fact that Mike looks shocked and terrified right now.

"Looks like there's a little meeting going on in here," the woman, Dr. Meredith says, "are there any problems?"

She turns to look at me for a split second and then focused her attention on Mike. Mike clears his throat standing up from the chair he was sitting at three seconds ago.

"I was just checking these two patients," he answers bravely, "Scarlett had her ankle sprained and Thayer doesn't feel very well."

"Are you sure?" Dr. Meredith asks again, a hint of doubt obvious in her tone. Lydia wakes up from her nap and stands up immediately once she realizes Dr. Meredith's presence.

Mike nods, obviously trying to avoid Dr. Meredith's gaze and itching to get out of this situation. My heart is hammering inside my chest and I hope that nothing bad would happen after this.

Dr. Meredith gives us a once over and then returns her attention back to Mike. They talked in a low voice, including Lydia and then Lydia and Dr. Meredith went out of the clinic but not before the Dr. gave me one last glance and a disapproving look.

What was that about?


"The longer we stay here, the harder it gets to leave," Thayer complains as we sat later that night in the cafeteria for dinner.

I nod a bit unresponsive as I look around the other patients in here while thinking about the occurence with Dr. Meredith earlier.

"I'm telling you," he continues, "the longer we stay locked up in here, the more people gets involved. It's making the task in hand even harder."

"I know," I reply after a few more silence, "but it's not like we can just do it immediately later tonight or whenever. It needs planning."

"I'm aware of that, but... is it possible if Mike can help us make it like in a week already? Two weeks is such a long time."

I didn't answer his question. I thought about what he wants to do, advance it a week early. I want that to happen too, but I don't think it's ever possible concerning the situatuon we're in right now.

Just as when I was about to open my mouth and say my response, Mike comes in barging through the doors of the cafeteria scanning for obviously me and Thayer.

He looks lost at first but when he sees us in the middle of the cafeteria, he sighs and acts calm and composed as he make his way towards our table.

My heart raced a bit frantically at the sight of him serious with eyebrows furrowed. I'm pretty sure what's bound to happen next is not good news and so, I braced myself for whatever bad news that is about to spill out from his mouth.

Thayer looks at Mike, and then noticing his facial expression too, he turns to look at me with confusion in his eyes.

When Mike finally reaches our table, he lets out a long breath that he'd been obviously holding back since a few minutes ago, and the next thing that escaped his mouth is something I did not expected but also felt good in my ears.

"You two need to escape, tonight."


"Stay here," Mike orders in a whisper five minutes of being inside the clinic.

I'm back here again because it's part of the plan, and surprisingly, a bit on our advantage, Lydia is also in on the plan and she's about to help us.

"Remember the plan?" Mike asks me snapping me out of my trance I didn't even know I was in. I nodded my head and he offers me a weak smile.

"I'm going to get Thayer moving now," he announces to both Lydia and me, "Lydia will be helping you while Thayer and I are making our way back here. She already have something packed for the two of you to use just in case."

"You've told me that about a dozen times ago," I tell him, laughing a little. He shakes his head with a smile crossing his face, and that's how I am assured that everything's going to work out.

"Mike," I got hold of his arm when he is about to open the door. He turns around to face me.

"What's with the rush?" I ask him because let's be honest in here, I'm really confused why we need to immediately act the plan out tonight. Not that I'm complaining or whatever.

"It's... it's just," he seems to weigh his decision on whether to tell me or not.

And because I didn't want to stall him, and this plan, I let go of his hand, "It's okay. I trust you."

He smiles at me and then turns to face me completely before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. And then the next thing I knew, the clinic door is now closed.

I turn to look at Lydia and she still has that sweet smile plastered on her face. I walk up next to her beside her desk and there lays two bags with I assume are foods inside. She also pulls out two white shirts from her desk drawer and hands it to me.

"You might use this," she says, "once you are out."

"Thank you," I say, really grateful for her help. I look up at her and up close, wrinkle lines are visible on her forehead. The crinkles beside her eyes are apparent everytime she smiles.

She looks at me too, with a calculating expression. I wonder what she is thinking, and I'm getting a bit conscious under her stare.

"You really look like her," she whispers subconsciously because when I asked her what she was talking about, her expression changes as she shakes her head.

I want to ask her about it but I figured there's more important questions than that one. So I started with what seems to be the major question in here, "Why does this have to be rushed?"

Lydia looks at me behind her eyeglasses and sits herself down on the chair next to her desk, "I'm sure Mike will tell you."

I sigh annoyed,m but I'm trying so hard not to let it show, "he won't tell me."

"You just asked him once."

"Thank you so much by the way," I say changing the subject, "for helping in on this."

"It's no problem my dear," she sweetly smiles and I walk towards the clinic bed to lie down, maybe just maybe, for the last time inside this sanitarium.

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