Chapter 44

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"Are you alright, Scar?" Mike asks as he gives me a quick glance before returning his gaze back on the road

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"Are you alright, Scar?" Mike asks as he gives me a quick glance before returning his gaze back on the road.

I force a smile on my lips as I stare outside the window, "I'm fine."

Thayer is at the backseat, arms crossed over his chest as he chew on a gum. We're headed to the address that was written on my patient record.

We're heading to my home. Or if I would even consider it as mine.

"I'm nervous," I admit tapping my fingers onto the window. Thayer looks at me through the rearview mirror inching forward to pat me on the shoulders.

"It will be alright, okay?" he assures me, "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't hurt you."

Mike nods agreeing with Thayer. I look at them hopeless, no matter what they say, this crazy feeling of anxiousness won't just go away.

We pass by an old building with few stalls beside it. There are some people walking on the sidewalk, and I wonder what their lives are.

For sure it's better than what I have.


If a few months back someone told me that I'd be seeing my parents, I would have laughed at their face and think that they're crazier than me. That is if I'm really insane.

But now, what's happening right now isn't a figment of my imagination.

It isn't a flashback of some sort, but right now, at this moment, it's the reality.

And I don't know exactly what to feel.

"Is this the right address?" Mike asks for the fifth time since he pulled the car into a stop.

"I'm going to tell you for the fifth time, for goodness sake, Mike Evans Yes. This is the right address," Thayer answers handing Mike the paper where the address is written.

I look out the car window, and there, right next to the street is a two-storey house, with it's paint slowly fading. It looks old, and never cared for.

"You ready, Scar?" Thayer asks looking at me.

I heave out a deep breath before answering, "Yes but no."

The two guys both looked at me with concern as Thayer says, "Scar, we're here. No need to be anxious or anything."

"I know but," I start, "what would you do if one day, your daughter who has been locked up inside a sanitarium for years would suddenly show up on your doorstep?"

"Well, I don't have a daughter," Thayer replies, "but maybe, I'd hug her."

"You wouldn't do that," I contradict.

"Come on Scar," Mike holds both of my hands in his, "you have us. Whatever outcome that would happen, Thayer and I are just here. And always will be."

I look outside the car window again before taking in a deep breath as I close my eyes opening it after a second, "Okay, let's do this."

There is a slight nostalgic feeling that I couldn't quite pinpoint out the moment I stepped out the car. Thayer and Mike following thereafter.

I let my feet take me towards the doorstep of the house. The door is painted a light hint of yellow but now it's slowly fading making it appear white. There's a pot beside the door and a rag that looks old.

Taking one huge breath for the nth time this day, I bring my hands in a closed fist and starts knocking at the door, gently.

There is no answer.

I look over at Thayer and Mike who both stand beside the car just watching me.

"Try again once more," Thayer instructs.

I return my attention back on the door and again, attempted to knock.

One..., two..., three...

Still nothing.

I knock for the third and fourth time receiving the same outcome.

Taking a step back, I decide that maybe this is for the best. Maybe, it isn't meant for me to see my parents again after a long time.

Just when I am about to completely turn around and head back to the car, the door swings open revealing a lady, maybe in her mid-forties with a shoulder length black hair.

"What can I do for you?" she asks sounding as if she had just woken up.

I just stare at the woman infront of me, my anxiety getting the best of me. I don't know what to say at first until I hear Mike speak from behind.

"Is Georgia Richards here?" he asks the woman who is now looking at me indifferently because of me just staring at her.

"Oh I'm afraid she isn't," she answers looking at Mike's direction, "we bought this house over five years ago. They moved out."

I don't know what's wrong with me, but the moment I found out that my parents aren't here, I felt relieved.

"Do you have any idea where they live now?" Thayer asks the woman.

"I don't exactly know the address, but I think they moved in the South. Not really far away from here."

"Oh, okay. Thanks for the help," Mike replies after a few awkward silence. The woman gives us a smile before closing the front door.


"I don't really see the point in seeing them anyway," I say through the drive home. Thayer and Mike switched places an hour ago, so now Thayer is behind the wheel.

"Why?" they both ask in unison.

"I don't know...," I trail off, "I don't think they want to see me y'know. They abandoned me for goodness sake."

"We don't know their side of the story," Thayer says as he turns the car around a corner.

"Yes we know," I snort, "they don't want people knowing that they have an insane daughter so they did everything to get rid of her."

"Stop being so pessimistic even just for a second, please?" Mike retort. I just roll my eyes, huffing as I lean against the car window.

Thayer clears his throat, "So, how are we going to find them now?"

There is a long pause before Mike answers his question, "we'll figure it out back on your apartment."

Thayer nods and no one said a word after that. I close my eyes and try to just drift off to sleep but unfortunately, it isn't working for me.

All I see whenever I would close my eyes is the last flashback I had. And I don't want to dwell on it anymore for now. It's stressing me out.

I open my eyes and watch the streets slowly fading away as the car drives past it. I wish I could understand everything, I wish I know what happened.

I wish I wasn't me.

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