Chapter 2: The Orphanage

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Seto's POV
If you were wondering about our bags, the belongings in my bag were mainly for entertainment. I had quite a few books in there. Oh, and I had clothes in there too, of course.

The same went for Mokuba as well. He had a yellow backpack on his back. I had been holding onto my backpack.

We were standing in front of the orphanage door after our little tour and a small fight.

We stepped onto the steps of the orphanage. I put my hand on the door and opened it.

Mokuba stopped holding onto my vest and walked over to a swing. He sat down on it and stared at the ground, not even bothering to swing back and forth on the swing.

I walked inside and saw a bunch of kids, even four year old kids, or from what they looked like, staring at me.

Guess they hadn't seen me when Mokuba and I had our little tour of the orphanage.

Ignoring them, I sat my orange backpack down in a chair, unzipped my backpack, stuck my hand into my backpack, and sat down. I took a book out of my bag and opened the cover up to see the table of contents.

After a while, the other kids stopped staring at me and continued doing what they were originally doing.

Mokuba never talked much to anyone when we were in the orphanage. The only people he would talk to were me and Brandon, a friend we made there.

Who's Brandon? Funny you ask that. He actually comes into my life just about now.

Just as I was about to read the first chapter of my book, I heard quick footsteps run into the room.

A boy with black hair, red t-shirt, and wearing gray cargo shorts ran into the room. He was barefoot and skidded across the floor. I guess he was being chased.

He tripped over himself and fell to the floor. When he got up, he looked at me and waved.

"Hey, new kid! I'm Brandon." He said. I was about to wave back when he looked towards the hallway.

"Gotta run! See ya!" He said. He ran away as three kids followed in pursuit.




I didn't bother to read my book after that happened. Instead, I looked out of the window. It was now sunset.

My eyes settled on Mokuba. He was still sitting on the swing, his eyes still locked on the ground.

I put my book in my bag and zipped it back up.

I got up from my chair, walked to the door, opened the door, and walked outside towards Mokuba.

I walked next to his swing and smiled at him.

"Hey, Mokie."

Mokuba looked over at me.

"Huh? Hey, Seto. How'd ya know I was out here?" He asked.

Still smiling, I reached a hand out and patted his head.

"Lucky guess. Look pal, cheer up. We gotta make the most a' this place. C'mon, Mokie. Let's take a little walk." I replied.

Mokuba smiled and perked up a bit. He got off the swing as I started walking off the orphanage grounds. He followed quickly behind me. We were soon walking along a sidewalk of Domino City.

I looked up at the sky. It sure was windy outside.

Before I knew it, we were heading back to the orphanage. We stopped and stared at the sky.

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