Chapter 4: Rainy Days

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Still holding onto my plane, I looked up at the morning sky and noticed how gray it looked. It could've been a sign that it would rain soon.

I stood up as Seto stared at the sky.

Small, light droplets of rain began to fall onto the ground.

"Come on. We'd better get inside before it gets worse." Seto said as he turned around and began to run into the orphanage. I followed behind him. Soon we were inside and in the playroom.

While we had been outside, I noticed Brandon had been spray painting the tree out there and some guys tried to get him to stop. I guess Seto and I aren't the only ones with bullies.

Seto and I walked into the bedroom and we sat on our beds. I began playing with my plane.

"I'M GONNA GET ADOPTED BY A NICE FAMILY SOMEDAY, JUST YOU WAIT!" A familiar voice yelled from somewhere in the hallway. I looked up from playing with my plane and towards the door to see Brandon in the doorway and yelling at something.

Brandon walked over to us and stood between our beds.

Two kids walked in afterwards with a black eye and the other one just looked tired. I guess they got into a fight with Brandon after telling him he'll never get adopted or something. They sat on a bed as they groaned.

"Hey Seto, you have Duel Monster cards, right?" Brandon asked. My brother nodded.

"Why don't we duel?" Brandon said with a grin.

Seto grinned, nodded, and stood up.

"Okay. You're on!" Seto said. They both sat down at a table and took their card decks out. I stayed on my bed and continued to play with my plane.
Before I knew it, their duel was almost over.

"And it looks like it's a tie." Seto said.

Brandon sighed, but then he smiled as both of them took their cards off of the table.

"Ha ha, good game! That was fun!"

Both boys reorganized their decks and got up from the table.

"I'm gonna go see what everyone else is doing. See ya!" Brandon said. Brandon waved and walked out of the room.

"See ya, Brandon!" Seto said as he waved back at Brandon. I saw Seto walk away from the table and he began rummaging through the closet.

"What are you doing, big bro?" I asked him, still sitting on my bed.

"Looking for that chess game I found in here last night." He replied, still rummaging through the closet.

"Huh? Why?" I said as I sat my plane on my bed, stood up, and started walking towards the table where Seto and Brandon had their little duel.

"I thought it looked like a fun way to pass the time." Seto said. He stood up and reached for something on the top shelf.

"There we go! Found it!" He said, pulling it down and looking at it. I could see the two words "Chess Board" on it. My brother smiled and he walked back over to me.

"I knew they still had it. I found it a few hours after we got here." He said, sitting back down in the seat he was in.

"Wanna trying playing against me?" He asked.

"I don't see why not." I said as I scooted my chair in closer to the table.

Seto continued to smile as he set the chess board on the table so that we could play.

"Let's play in the playroom. We'll have more room that way." Seto said.

We walked out into the playroom. Seto still held onto the Chess game. We pulled two chairs up to a table.

"That's better. You ready to play, Mokuba?" Seto asked, taking a chess piece out of the slot to the side of it. I nodded and also took a piece out.

"Yup! Let's go!" I said, grinning.

So we played chess for a few hours. Throughout the game, I looked around and noticed that a lot of kids had gathered around us to watch. Some of them eventually got bored and walked away to do something else while others stayed to watch.

"Sorry, Mokie. Checkmate." Seto said, finishing his final move.

"Again?" I said sadly. But then I smiled.

"And in just five moves this time! You're like, the best chess player in the whole entire world!" I said as I looked at my brother, who was grinning and had his arms crossed.

"Well, almost." He said.

"Oh yeah? Name one person who's better at chess than you."

"Gozaburo Kaiba."

"Huh? Who's that?" I asked in confusion.

We began organizing our chess pieces again for another round.

"It's just someone I saw on TV a few days ago before we came here. He's really good and he's won a lot of tournaments." Said Seto.

"Oh, I remember now! He as good as you?"

"I don't know, Mokuba. I haven't played against him."

"Well, we could find out if he came here one day!" I said, and Seto looked at me after setting up his chess pieces.

"This guy's famous, Mokie. I highly doubt he would visit an orphanage."

"You never know, big bro."
After we finished playing a few more rounds of chess and other games, it was dark outside.

"Seto, you know what would be cool? What if that Gozaburo Kaiba guy came here and challenged you one day?"

"That won't happen. Even if it did, it would probably only be one time." Seto replied.

Couldn't argue with that.

But it would still be cool if it happened.

I saw Seto clean up the pieces and put the Chess Board back in its box. Brandon picked up the other games, which weren't a lot, and told us he was going to bed after he finished.

We stood up from the table and pushed the chairs back in.

"It's pretty dark outside. Let's go to bed." Seto said. I nodded.

Carrying the game with him, we began walking down the hall to the bedroom so we could get our night clothes to change for the night and so my brother could put the game away. Halfway to the bedroom, the orphanage owner walked past us, holding onto a plunger.

"Good night. What's that for?" I asked him, pointing to the plunger in his hand. He turned around to face us.

"I was alerted by your friend that the toilet had been clogged, so I'm on my way to fix it. Good night, boys." He said, turning back around and walking away.

Once we reached the bedroom and got our clothes, we got changed for bed and got into our beds.

I rolled over in my bed.

Well, in the end, I had never beaten Seto at Chess, no matter how hard I would try.

I guess Chess really is a tough game, or at least depending on the people you play against.

And Duel Monsters can be pretty tough, too!

I remembered the dream I had that night. Seto and I got adopted.

I remember what they looked like; one was what looked like a middle aged woman in a red dress while the other one was a middle aged man in a black suit.

I remember I sat up in my bed, grinned, and balled my hands into fists.

"Seto, I think your goal is gonna happen soon!"

End chapter

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