Chapter 30: Mokuba's Huge Mistake

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Seto's POV
I walked out of the game shop door, still holding onto my briefcase. I was driven back to KaibaCorp in the limo parked right out front of the Game Shop.

Along the way, I thought of a plan. I kept thinking of plans until I thought of one that could actually work out well, or one that would at least make the most sense.

Once I got to KaibaCorp, I had completely figured out my plan and what would happen.

However, I walked into my office and thought it out once more to see if it would go as planned. After I thought it out one more time, I decided it would work. I walked out of my office and through KaibaCorporation.

I was trying to find two henchmen of mine.

After walking around for a while, I found two henchmen. I walked over to the two KaibaCorp henchmen and whispered the plan in their ear. One of the henchmen was one I knew very well: Roland.

Roland has tan skin and he's often seen wearing a gray button-up suit with a white shirt underneath and complete with a yellow tie. He wears gray pants and black shoes. His hair is green and spiked up at the side. He always wears black sunglasses.

He's pretty loyal to the company, and was often the announcer if I would hold a Duel Monsters tournament. You know, kinda like the referee to start a Duel match, one to announce who would go against who, and that also goes with knowing which contestants had entered and who hadn't entered into a tournament.

They nodded. Roland began to walk out of the door. When he realized the other henchmen wasn't following him, he walked back over to him.

"I'm pretty sure mister Kaiba means to capture mister Muto right now." He said. Roland grabbed the other henchmen by the shirt collar and they both walked out of the door, followed by the door closing.

I started walking away when I heard someone call my name.

"Oh, wait, mister Kaiba!" It said. I turned around to see it was Roland.

"Roland. What is it?" I asked. Roland was holding something in his hands.

"Nothing of much importance, sir. But here." Roland said. He looked down at his hands and held the outfit out towards me. I looked at it.

It was the outfit I was almost always seen in. It consisted of a black turtleneck, black pants, shoes, a green belt with KC on the gray part with gray studs on the green wrap around part of the belt, a white trenchcoat with gray studs made by KaibaCorp and a magenta underside, steel wristbands on each arm, and blue belts strapped around its arms and shins, but they were on top of the trenchcoat.

"Here, mister Kaiba. While you were at school, I noticed this laying around in your room back in your manor. I figured you might come to KaibaCorp after school and that you might have wanted to change clothes like most kids do, so that's why I have this." He explained.

Although I would've been fine in my uniform, I figured I could change anyway for his sake.

"Thanks, Roland." I said, reaching my right hand out to the trenchcoat. I raised it over my head.
I walked into the room where I would duel Solomon and looked around.

"I still remember this room. This is the room where Yugi first beat me with Exodia and became the number one Duelist. After that happened, then the entire Pegasus thing came into my life and things got really weird." I said as I continued looking around.

After that, I walked to one side of the room and stood at my dueling stand. It was the same one I was at when Yugi beat me. I assembled the deck I would use to beat Solomon. When I finished that, I set my briefcase beside me on the floor.

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