Chapter 3: Dreams

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Mokuba's POV
I remember that nightmare. Seto and I were older.

I was being chased by some sort of monster.

The nightmare had a mysterious atmosphere to it. It was dark altogether. Due to it being dark, I never got to see the monster that was chasing me. But I guess I should be happy because of that.

Seto was standing in the corner and his arms were crossed. He was leaning against the wall, not doing a thing. Seto didn't say a word to me in that nightmare. Rather, Seto was just watching me being chased. It wasn't like him.

However, that moment when Seto spoke to me was yet to come.

There was a door with white light shining through it, seeping out from the bottom of the door. I was running towards it. I noticed Seto was running towards the door as well.

He somehow teleported to the door. He turned around to face me and looked down at me once he was in front of it.

"Sorry, Mokuba."

He turned around and closed the door, leaving me in darkness. That white light was gone.

I slumped to the floor, not knowing what to do, as I could no longer see. All I could do was feel around the room now.

I knew I had to get out. I got back up and tried to see through the darkness, but then I heard the door open and close briskly.

I thought it was my brother, but I knew it was a monster because of the sounds I heard. If I could describe it, I guess the noise it made sounded like sliding tentacles around a wall of a room.

Speaking of tentacles, at that moment, I felt a slimy tentacle wrap around me. I was being lifted up at that moment.

While I was being lifted up, I saw a flash of green hair on the ground, but it was only that.

I raised my fists and started hitting the tentacle with it. I started kicking my legs.

"Lemme go!" I said.

I banged my fists against it again. I guess it was too much for the tentacle because it raised me back. I stopped hitting it and kicking my legs.

There was a rush of wind as I started being thrown forward. The tentacle quickly unwrapped itself from me as I was being thrown forward. It threw me with great force, the wind rushing around me harder.

When the wind stopped, my back hit the wall. I slumped to the floor. As my legs hit the ground, I noticed that there was something in my pocket.

Before I could pull the thing out of my pocket, I heard a sound rush towards me. I saw something come at me in the dark. I ducked to the side as a tentacle bashed itself into the wall.

The tentacle pulled itself away from the wall.

I quickly got up and tried to run away from the wall as quickly as I could.

I pulled out whatever was in my pocket. It looked like a Duel Monster card. Through the darkness, I could faintly read what looked like Man Eating Plant.

I held the card out in front of me.

"Man Eating Plant, attack that tentacle!" I said. My Man Eating Plant rushed forward and bit off the tentacle. There was a loud THUMP! as the tentacle hit the ground.

I was about to walk forward and congratulate my monster on its little victory, but then I stopped. I saw what looked like another kid with his back turned to me. He had green hair. I couldn't see the rest of his clothes.

I was about to walk over to him when the door opened. Some light seeped through from the outside, but that light was quickly replaced with darkness as more tentacles flooded the room. It was about three.

"My Man Eating Plant can't handle all these monsters! What'll I do?" I thought.

"Attack!" An unfamiliar voice said. Something sliced through those tentacles. They all fell to the ground, followed by three more loud THUMPS! I couldn't see the monster.

More tentacles flooded the room once again. It was more than just three this time.

My right pocket glowed a bright white. I looked down and pulled the card out.

It was someone called Lady Knight. It was a female knight with pale skin, a light green cap, eyes, and semi-short dress, brown boots, a long light green cape, and long dark brown hair. She had 1900 attack points and 1700 defense points.

"LADY KNIGHT, ATTACK THESE TENTACLES!" I yelled. Gripping her sword in her right hand, Lady Knight rushed into the darkness and sliced through all the monsters. There were more loud thumps.

The black room turned brighter. All the monsters, including the tentacles, disappeared.

It was just a plain white room with a door. The door was closed.

I saw the boy who had helped me out. I walked over to him. His back was turned to me. He wore what looked like a dark blue sweater, a red tie, tan shorts that stopped a little above the knee, and brown dress shoes with black knee length socks.

"Thanks for helping me out." I said.

No response. I got confused. I raised a hand to touch his shoulder, but as soon as I touched his shoulder, he disappeared.

Before I could wonder what just happened, the door opened up. Seto walked over to me.

"Let's get out of here. Brothers stick together." He said.

I smiled and nodded my head, beginning to stand up.

As we began walking out of the orphanage, I looked to the right side of me and saw my Mother waving at us. Her hair was no longer messy, her bangs were brushed out of her eyes even though they were still long, and she wore black pants. She also wore a buttoned up, collared, white long sleeved shirt with horizontal blue stripes across it and was barefoot. She walked over to us and stopped us by walking in front of the door.

"Before you go through the door, remember one thing. Stick together. Like Seto said, brothers stick together." She said. We both nodded.

"Great." She said, hugging us both and then disappearing shortly after, all with a smile on her face.

Seto and I walked through the door and a bright light consumed everything. I immediately saw two figures in front of me. With the brightness making me close my eyes, it consumed them, and that was what made me wake up.
The next morning was very chilly. It was around ten AM.

I remember playing outside with my toy plane on the ground, but then three boys came up to me and took it away.

"Hey! Give that back!" I said. I couldn't reach my plane. These boys were bigger than me and they kept raising the plane up and down, like they were teasing me, and rapid footsteps came my way.

"GIVE THAT BACK TO HIM!" A familiar voice shouted.

I turned around to see my brother running towards the boys. He ran over to the one who was holding my plane and tackled him to the ground.

Seto kept yanking on the plane, but the boy tightened his grip on it. Seto dug his fingers into the back of the plane. He yanked it so hard that the boy lost his grip on it and Seto almost fell onto his back, but he caught himself.

Seto walked over to me and lowered the plane to me.

"Here, Mokuba." He said with a frown. Despite the frown on his face, he was mad at the bullies.

I took my plane back and slowly looked up at my brother.

"Thanks, Seto."

"Anytime, Mokie." Seto said as he smiled at me.

A crack of thunder was what made me look up.

End chapter

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