Chapter 23: A 'Special' School Day (Part one)

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Mokuba's POV
In the present, I remembered how this all happened. I walked past Seto's room, but stopped and peered in.

All he was doing was typing on that laptop, his back turned to me.

"Oh, hey Seto? We got a phone call an hour ago. The principal said we don't have to worry about doing any work today, either." I said as I walked towards his desk.

"Alright, Mokuba. Thank you for letting me know." Seto said.

I turned around, walked out of his room, and walked into mine.

I remember when he began to become who he is now.

In the past, I remember getting a bit scared for Seto. He had been getting meaner lately and a little sarcastic.

I thought it was just temporary.

It was the next morning. I got dressed quickly because I remembered that today was when Noah and Seto go to middle school while I go to the elementary school.

The elementary and middle school were in the same building, just separated from each other.

After I got dressed, I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my bedroom and to the dining room to have cereal. I was wearing a long sleeved yellow shirt, tan cargo shorts, white socks, and green shoes with white soles.

Noah was already there and he was acting very odd. I looked around the room for Seto. I didn't see him anywhere.

Noah was wearing a white t-shirt and purple shorts. He wore brown sneakers with white soles, white socks, and had his backpack next to him on the table.

I figured that Seto was still getting up. As for Noah's outfit, that seemed like the one he normally wore, but just more casual.

And that was when I noticed he seemed slightly nervous.

"Noah, are you okay?" I asked as I prepared my breakfast, which was cereal.

"Oh yes! Yes, I'm fine." He said with a smile.

I didn't look at him and took the milk out from the fridge.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I poured the milk into the bowl.

"I'm just a bit nervous for school, that's all. I've only been homeschooled. It was that education from my Father, and it wasn't very easy." Noah said.

"Oh, okay." I said as I put the milk away back in the fridge.

When that was complete, I carefully took the bowl of cereal and walked over to my seat.

I managed to get it on the table. I sat in my seat and began eating.

Soon, Seto came in and took a bowl out from the cabinet. He poured cereal in it and then milk. Then he grabbed a spoon and sat down with me and Noah.

He was wearing a black collared shirt that was unbuttoned, a gray t-shirt, black jeans, and his brown shoes. A backpack was over his shoulder, which he put down next to the seat once he sat down.

Noah and I finished eating and rinsed our bowls out.

When he finished, Seto rinsed his bowl out as well in the sink. After that, we all grabbed our backpacks and walked to the limo as Nezbitt drove us to school.

"I wonder if school's gonna be hard." I whispered to myself.

"Well, Mokuba, we'll just see." Noah replied.

I just nodded and stared out the window. I was quiet for the rest of the ride. I was remembering the dream I had. I closed my eyes.
I was still a kid in this dream. Not thirteen like I am now.

I was running from someone, or maybe something, and it was raining.

While running past an alley, someone pulled me into it. When I looked at the person, they were wearing a white hoodie with the hood over their head, but when they looked down at me, the person pulled the hood back.

I was staring into the face of my Mother.

"You have to stand up for yourself at some point, Mokuba." Mom said as she bent down to my level.

I didn't respond and stared at the ground.

My Mom walked past me and poked her head out through the alleyway as if she was looking for someone. Once she stepped out, she punched whoever was chasing me, and then turned the person back around and pushed the person in the opposite direction, presumably towards where that person lived.

She walked towards me and bent down to my level. She cupped her hands around my jaw and smiled warmly at me.

"Remember what I said, sweetie, but I have to go now. I'll see you again someday."

Everything quickly faded to white when I tried to hug her, and that was when I had woken up.
I opened my eyes to see we were in a parking lot.

Nezbitt unlocked the doors so we could get out of the limo.

The school was huge. We opened the doors. We heard the driver's seat window rolling down. We turned around to see Nezbitt looking at us with his window rolled down.

"Be good in school, got it? I don't want any complaints that the Kaiba brothers were acting like fools on their first day of school." Nezbitt said.

Seto looked at him.

"You're not our Dad." He said.

"I know that." Nezbitt replied while shaking his head.

He was probably wondering "What's up with this kid?".

Nezbitt rolled up his windows and pulled the car into reverse.

But when he was halfway through the window rolling, I swear I heard him say:

"If only we were like robots..."

I really hope it was my imagination.

He drove away after that.

Me, Seto, and Noah walked into the school. The principal showed us around the school and walked us to our classrooms.

I was separated from Noah and Seto. Soon, I had arrived in 1st grade.

Well then.

All I can say is that day turned out a little strange near the end.

"It's only first grade, Mokuba. You can do this." I told myself.

"Don't be scared." I said.

I put my hand on the doorknob, pulled opened the door, walked inside, and almost all eyes were on me.

I just stood there in the doorway.

"Okay....maybe this'll be harder than I thought."

End chapter

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