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Hey, this is my first story. I'm writing it just for fun so please no blasting on grammar or anything. Lord knows my grammar isn't the best, but I'm writing it just for fun so the grammar may not be excellent and yada yada yada, but I tried. So it would be awesome if you could give me feedback and comments about it. Thanks :)

So Enjoy

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Do you want to know what I've learned over these past few months that I've been in this place? Well, I've found out the answer to why girls have so many problems.

The answer being: Boys. Sorry if I sound sexist or like a misandrist...but it's true. I mean it seems like every problem starts with boys and concludes with boys. If it wasn't for boys, girls would be hand and hand singing Kumbaya around a warm campfire or something. Why are boys such...I don't know...boys?

We'll never know right?

This was the thought that was running through my mind as I laid paralyzed like a stone. On the soft, plush bed I withered in pure agony just waiting to either die or for someone to come and help me. This was all his fault, if he never showed up maybe, just maybe I wouldn't be in this predicament. But let me take you back to a few minutes prior this event.

I shot up from the bed in a cold sweat.

Beads of sweat dribbled along my hairline, and my back was soaked. The same dream that kept terrorizing me over and over again woke me up, but this time it was worst. Looking around the darkened room, anxiety swept over me a mile a minute. Closing my eyes, I began to count to 20 and listen to the gentle pitter patter of the rain in the night as it hit the window. It always seemed to soothe my nightmare anxiety but today it just wasn't working.

F my life.

I plopped on my back and stared at the dark ceiling, breathing slowly.

This is when I felt it.

There's no way to describe it except pain, pure pain. If I tried to pinpoint the type of pain it could be comparable to child birth, or maybe getting your fingers broken one by one like in the movies, or maybe even falling through a shredder better described the sensation.

An agonizing, electrifying, chard of pain shot up through my spine and then spread like a wild fire through my veins chilling me to the bone. I arched my back, bearing my teeth in a silent scream as the horrible sensation rippled through me.

It was so intense that I wasn't even able to scream. I was hit again with the same feeling, the pain knocking me off the bed and to the plush carpet down below. My body blazed as if it was on fire while short, erratic spurts of oxygen infiltrated my lungs. 

"What the hell is going on?" I thought.

And then a terrifying thought appeared.

I'm all alone.

Once again, the fact that I was in a lone corridor surfaced. No one would be able to hear my screams. Even though the manor was filled with people, I was still alone, isolated.

I didn't know how long I struggled on the floor as the agony and discomfort continued. With each passing second more and more sweat collected on my forehead. I could barely open my mouth without it throbbing, so the only thing I could do was grind my teeth and bear it. As the minutes slowly passed, I realized I was sobbing but that action even hurt.

The rain outside was no longer a soft shower but a heavy down pour and it was now thundering. The weather matched the intensity of my pain perfectly. And it seemed that with each distressed sob that escaped my lips, the thunder grew louder and angrier. Tears freely flowed down my face leaking into my ears and my back was now drenched with perspiration from the continuous on-slaughter that filtered through my body occurring in waves at a time. It flowed from the center and then felt like it exited through my fingers, then another wave would appear, and the process repeated itself. In the darkened room, my pained breathing mixed with the roaring of thunder.

I tried to move, but realized I barely had enough energy to lift my arms. When I had finally had gained enough determination to fight through the agony and lift my arm I almost wish I had not. Painfully slow, I brought my arm up to view and my eyes grew wide in shock at the frightening sight in front of me.

My veins.

But that wasn't the odd part. No, the odd part was how my veins, being their regular blue because of the untouched blood that ran through them, was now rapidly changing colors from a purple, blue, to gold.

I froze in fear.

What is going on? What is happening?

Were only some of the panicked thoughts racing through my head. This was not suppose to happen! The stabbing sensations were past unbearable now. My entire body felt like it was slowly being roasted in a volcano but cooling at the same time.

I just wanted to die, not feel the pain anymore. I wanted an end to this suffering, and I knew I wouldn't be able to find this end by myself. I already knew what I had to do, but I also knew it would hurt...a lot.

So for a few seconds, to do or not to do echoed in my head until I finally made my decision. It was the only way I could get someone's attention.

Watery eyes closing, I mustered up the all the energy I could, which wasn't much. A blood curdling scream ripped from my throat the same time a loud pang of thunder echoed through the still night, so strong it shook the manner. Objects in the room could be heard shaking as the energy in me faded.

I closed my eyes and the next time I opened them I heard the door slam open. Immediately I was propped up onto someone as they soothingly ran their warm hands soothingly through my wet, matted hair whispering words to calm me down.

I didn't know what they were saying though as I stared at the ceiling in a daze, my entire being focused intently on the pain and not the person. I felt the sudden movement of my arm and then heard a gasp followed by a curse before a panic voice screamed for someone, but I was too busy trying to blink out the black splotches that had appeared into my vision to take notice who they called out to.

I was so weak that, that one scream completely drained me. I looked up into a worried pool of bluish green eyes that I knew oh so well before the pain become too unbearable. Dizziness swept over me, and my body suddenly felt heavy. Soon I succumbed to a black calming, painless abyss.

But let me start from the very beginning.


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The Lethal Princess (Completed) Wattys2015 WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now