Sacred Places

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I was beyond annoyed as I approached the classroom door. I had spent probably thirty minutes looking for this classroom. It was third period now, I had missed second and when the bell had rung for third period to start it was complete mayhem.

Students poured out of the classroom doors like the fire bell had rung or something. I was pushed and shoved as students made their ways through the hallways in an unstoppable sea of people. Eventually, I starting elbowing and shoving too!

The school seemed to be even bigger inside then it was on the outside. Elevators at lightning speeds took people to the upper floors while bridges were the only thing that acted as roofs for you between the different floor levels. The hallways were huge and were lined with art work, pictures, awards, and posters, but it didn't matter how big the hallways were because we were still packed like sardines as we moved through it. If you looked up, beyond the bridge walkways, at the very top of the school, the ceiling which was painted an illuminate blue, had a grand chandelier that had orbs of the four different elements hung on it's different arms. The sight of the elements whirling around in the orbs in a continuous flotation was captivating and breathtaking.

But moving on, the beauty of the school does not reflect on the students because people are completely rude in this school. I had tried to ask a few passing students where my next class was but they had completely ignored me, when I knew fully well they could hear me. Eventually, I had got tired of the ignoring game and stopped a kid, by yanking on his uniform shirt. He rewarded me with the wrong directions that led me to a dead end. Freaking bastard!

He better hope I don't recognize him in these hallways because if I do...

You don't even want to know what I'll do to that boy!

Opening the classroom door, I sighed loudly when it opened fully.

You want to know what I hate? I hate it when after the bell you walk into a classroom and everyone looks at you like you've killed their cat or something. They then proceeded to stare at you, unblinking, until you sit down and act like you don't even notice their stares. Yeah, I do it too, but when someone does it to you, it's just plain irritating.

Sluggishly with my feet heavy against the ground, I trudged into the class, the students and the teacher continuing to stare me down at their desks. I finally reached the teacher and awkwardly I stood there as he just stared at me unmoving.

What. the. hell?

Finally getting tired of it, I was the first to speak. "Hey." I smiled fakely. "How about instead of staring me down like a creeper, you say something and show me to my seat." He continued to stare and I gritted my teeth. Fine he wants to have a stare down, let's having a stare down then old man.

As I glared at him, I noticed he was balding. And by the sprinkles of black hair on his head, he was losing the hair fast. He also had a bit of a belly which he hid well with a black jacket but with him sitting down, his belly was more precise and out there. Instead of having smiles lines like a person should have when they are in their late forties or early fifties, he had frown lines. To me he resembled a badger.

The class erupted into laughter while I soon realized they had been reading my mind. In an instant my attention was on the classroom of students. "Hey instead of reading my mind." I snapped. My mood swings were gone but thanks to the rudeness of these academy people, I was annoyed and furious. "You guys do your damn work like you're suppose to., I snapped, taking my pent up anger on the class now. The class' laughter immediately stopped as they just looked at me shocked that the new kid had just shouted at all of them.

"Avril!" The teacher roared, standing up. I turned around to him, raising my eyebrows. Now he wanted to talk...don't get mad at me because you weren't doing your job and I had to talk some sense into these kids.

The Lethal Princess (Completed) Wattys2015 WinnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin