Dreaming With A Broken Heart

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Song: John Mayer - Dreaming with a Broken Heart

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Tears rolled down my eyes as I loudly sniffed. I pushed myself against the wall, wrapping my arms around my knees. The new bed I had wasn't as comfy as the old bed I had. It was lumpy and my back hurt slightly from it.

The same dream that haunted me for three nights had woken me once again. I couldn't get to my parents or Ike. However, this time Belladonna came and grabbed his hand as I reached out for it. She pushed me back into my confined box, glass shards tearing through my skin. And together they walked into the darkness, Ike's laughter was the last thing I heard.

The corridor I was forced in was isolated and I felt so lonely. Mist had stayed with me yesterday night, but I had told her to go to her room. She didn't need to worry about me. I've hit rock bottom before, it's a terrible experience but you know the saying. Once you hit rock bottom the only direction to go is up.

However, three days have went by and I still lived in the lonely isolated phase of rock bottom. Sluggishly, I pushed myself off the dilapidated bed and walked to the window. Its surface was cold against my forehead as I leaned against it. I sat down on the seat next to it and stared out the window vacantly.

I haven't seen Selene or the sun since the Golden Ball. Instead, it has rained for all those days. The sky was a crushed silver, no clouds in sight just the same muggy weather has been for the past couple days. Large rain drops hit against the window and slowly race down the cool surface along with their other raindrop buddies.

The room I was in was smaller than the other. In it sat a desk, bed, and three dressers. It was a dreary existence in this room but I haven't really left it. Charles would bring me up food in which I gladly thanked him for. I even told him, he didn't have to bring me up anything because I didn't really have an appetite anymore and it wasn't his job to baby him.

He had shook his head and bluntly told me he would shove the food down my throat if he had to, to get me to eat.

* * * * *

"Avril", someone softly called my name. I didn't reply and continued to stare out the window seat in which I sat on. Over the three days it had become my quiet sanctuary where I could just ponder and wallow in my own misery.

"Avril", Mist tapped on my shoulder. Tensing, I turned my head, looking up at her. She looked at me annoyed and I turned back to the window not caring that she wanted me to be my usual feisty care-free Avril. I didn't have enough energy to be like that.

"Let's go do something." Mist suggested.

I turned back to the window realizing whatever Mist had to say wasn't that important. "Don't feel like it."

"Let's go eat", she thought of.

"Not hungry", I replied.

"Let's watch tv."

"Nothing good on."I sighed.

"Spongebob is on", she added.

I shrugged in reply. Her shocked gasp could be heard before a stinging pain on my cheek had me whipping my head to Mist looking at her stunned.

"Mist, what the hell!" I hissed, rubbing my aching cheek still feeling the sting.

A slow smile drifted on her face, a sheepish expression morphing her innocent features. "My bad. I've been watching too much of Earthling tv and uh on one show the friend smacked his friend to knock him out of his state and it actually knocked some sense into him."

"And so you thought smacking me would do just that?!"

Looking like a little girl who had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she nodded.

"Well, what the hell do you want to do Mist?" I snapped, not liking how I was smacked and reminded myself she was my friend so I would have to restrict myself from going all angry crazy ninja on her.

She ignored my peeved tone and actually seemed happy. She clapped excitedly. "Seriously lets watch tv."

"Fine." I groaned, her hand pulling on my wrist lifting me up.

We walked out the room and into the corridor. "How is it going?" She asked hesitantly referring to my heartbreak.

I shrugged one shoulder, laughing dully. "As good as it heartbreak goes."

Mist frowned and we lapsed into silence which I was relieved about. We rounded the corner into another corridor and heard laughter.

Belladonna's laughter.

"Ike stop", she laughed again let out a long drawled moan. My footing stopped when they appeared in front of us. From a distance I watched, swallowing back tears that almost choked me.

Shards of pain pierce my chest seeing Ike hands placed on her waist and his face buried in her shoulder. Her leg was hiked up and wrapped around his hip, while her hands were buried in his hair. Watching them was like adding salt to my already open wounds. It burned and ached.

Glad to know someone was happy and over whatever connection we had, I thought bitterly.

I stupidly stood there for a few moments, watching them grope each other. Too stupefied to get the hell out of there and save myself some misery. When her hands traveled into his jeans and he let out a slow groan, I was finally mobile again. Sucking in what sounded like a mixture between a devastated and appalled gasp, I stepped around the corner and out of their view.

"Avril . . ." Mist started, but I turned around not being able to bear to see this. Tears begin to form behind my eyes but I didn't blink, making sure they wouldn't fall until I was safely inside the comfort of the bedroom.

I slammed the bedroom door shut and it rumbled when Mist collided with it. "Avril!" She called out, I could read in her tone she was pitying me. Damn it, I didn't want pity. My hands fisted against my eyes as I slid down the door, the tears falling over and sliding down.

Adapt, adapt, adapt, I told myself but I knew I couldn't.

* * * *

I'm going to try, keyword try, and upload another chapter today, so I won't leave you guys hanging. :)

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